The Wounded

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I had successfully managed to hide the existence of the hammer from everyone, I hid it in one of my kitchen drawers the first chance I got. I can't risk anyone finding out I had resorted back to my old nasty habit.

"We are totally gonna kill this song" Sara says excitedly.

"You bet!" David wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tight. I see a tinge of a blush stain her cheeks and instantly alarms wail in my head. But the whole moment was ruined cause my boyfriend decided at that moment to start a tickle fight with me.

"Holy crap!" I jump on the spot as I try to defend myself.

"Dance puppet! Dance!" Kevin cries evilly.

I laugh so hard that tears begin to pile up, I lash out and kick at his leg. He hunches over and I dive at him for a tackle. "REVENGE!" I cry out as if I was charging into battle.

"You guys are revoltingly cute" David said with so much disgust.

"Stop being so jealous, you can get a girl too if you want" Sara said, jabbing an elbow into his side.

"Yea, obviously. But none of the girls available are desirable" he said absently.

"Ooooooooooooooh!!" Kevin rolls me over to highfive David.

"Urgh men," I huff. "David you are such an a**hole. There are a ton of girls that'll rip off a right arm- there's or not- to date you."

"Yes, but most of them are just a bunch of Fifi's" David replied.

I don't think I need to explain the fact as to why some girls are being referred to as Fifi or why Fifi has a class of girls being refer to as her.

"Yea that may be true," Kevin said. "But..." he wraps his arm around my shoulder. " are always found in the darkest of places."

"Awwww! Babe!" I jump him and we kiss.

"Urgh!" David recoils away from us. "I'm out! You guys are really testing the extent to my gag reflex."

David picks up his jacket from the coat rack by the door, and instantly heads out.

"Dave! Wait up! You're my ride damn you!" Sara ran after him. As she tries to pull on one shoe and runs out the door giving up on putting the other she yells over her shoulder at me. "See you tonight guys!"

"Uhmhm!" I wave at her as I wrap my legs around Kevin and we tumble towards the living room and land on the couch. We stay there for a while and just savor in each other's company. After an hour of doing nothing but chatter and ramble and acting like complete goofballs, Kevin gets up.

"I gotta get going" he says, looking at his watch.

"Whyyyyyyyyyy!" I moan my disinterest.

He grins, leans down and kisses my forehead. "If I don't go pick up Wade Reed'll start experimenting on him again."

Defying both human logic and physics I both grin and grimace. "Oh."

"Sorry babe, but the topic can't be avoided"

"I know, I'm sorry," I stand up, "I'm being unreasonable" I hug him. "Go, I understand."

"You're the best!" Kevin kisses me again.

"I know" I muse as I look up into his eyes.

Krack! We hear the back kitchen door get kicked in but we don't even flinch and continue looking into each other eyes.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora