Keep Me Warm

375 16 41

Johnny's POV

I see her in her dress walk briskly out the hall, I begin to chase after when-


Reed was staring a little angrily at me.

"What?" I say harshly back at him.

"We need to start making preparations for our trip tomorrow" he says smartly.

I feel my heard sink, as it always does, when that blasted space trip was mentioned.

"We set off immediately after the last performance tomorrow-"

I block everything he says after that out and just bolt after Vick.

I see how distraught Sue was but I just couldn't focus on her after that, her husband should take care of her, I have my own girl to go after.


Everyone was obviously shook up from the fight that occurred. Lots of people either went back to their rooms or left the whole venue entirely.

I know Kevin was rushed to the hospital while Cap dragged Bridgette back to his room, so David decided to accompany Kevin to the hospital. Sara was alone so she just followed Bridgette in hopes to try and convince Cap to let her go be with Kevin.

I race up to Vick's room right as she slams the door shut behind her. I come up short to the door and lift my hand to pound vigorously on it.

Then I hesitated.

And instead knock as softly as I could.

I waited approximately 8 seconds before knocking softly, but a little bit loudly, again.

I don't hear a 'come in' or 'hello', but the door gently opens anyway.

I feel the cold chilling blasted of high powered AC assault me. The whole room was already cold, and pitch black dark. I step in carefully for fear of a fucking animatronic popping out at me, "Hello?"

I hear the softest of groans come from a little ahead of me.

I edge my feet forward, easing my way into the room. For some reason I was envisioning the idea of tripping over a dead corpse because there was something that look like a body on the ground.

"Vick?" I whisper, just a little frightened. I wouldn't put it passed her to have already murdered Sara.

My eyes adjusted to the dark a little and I see a lump move on the water bed. I walk over and sit on the edge.

"Anybody home?" I ask.

She turns under the sheet.

"Anybody sexy as hell hiding under those covers?"

I see her shiver under them, she's cracking.

"I guest no one remotely beautiful or attractive is in this room" I say resolutely, then grin.

"If that's the cast, then that includes you too!" she blurts out, peeking from under the covers.

"Gotcha!" I begin to tickle her feverishly.

She resists at first, oh did she put up one hell of a fight, but ultimately crumbles under the torrents of laughter that consumes her.

"I...don't..." she tries to say, "!" she screamed out at the end.

I stop instantly and for the first time clearly look at her, her face was stained with tears, and it definitely wasn't from laughter.

"I don't want to laugh," she says again, sadly. "I don't want be happy, I don't want to smile" she sits up and I hear her sniff.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now