Go Time

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“I’m going in,” I whisper to Susan. I was having a hard time breathing, but it was okay, I’ll live.

“Wait!” Susan strains, she was right next to me. We stood at the door to the room were the ‘meeting’ was being held, a.k.a the parlor. I could hear all the commotion, the gleeful yells of delight and gruff male voices everywhere, it must be heaven in there. I couldn’t resist taking a peek, who would it hurt.

It hurt me, my brain nearly went into full over load.

All the cool superheroes, right here! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

They were dressed cool, like everyday people, but they each wore something that was a symbol of what costume they wore to identify which hero they were.

You could obviously tell Wolverine was Wolverine by his face and huge arms as he stood in a corner. Spiderman wore a cool Spiderman logo t-shirt sitting cross-leg by the window. Nick fury had the eye-patch. Blackwidow had her gleaming red hair while I assume the blond dude sitting next to her was Hawkeye. And sitting in the corner was the big Black Panther…literally! //SIDE NOTE (***It’s not an insult to blacks if I’m already one***)//

Captain America…he was holding his shield, his rip muscle clearly visible through his shirt and jacket. I nearly drooled. He was talking to both Reed and Iron Man-


My brain hit the emergency brakes, Tony-flipping-Stark!

It’s Tony Stark!


I know I’m being such a girl right now but tell me how’d you react if you saw Tony……I thought so…

“Victoria? You still there?” Susan whispered, her back was turned to me, but aside from that I highly doubt if she could see me anyway.

But now once I think about it my idea was dumb in a childish way. My plan was to have Susan make me invisible with her powers, sneak me in and I’d just ‘happen’ to be still in the meeting when it started so no one would see me as out of place. I’d introduce myself as the new and upcoming hero and everything would go smoothly from there. My idea seemed like crap now that I thought about it.

“Ya,” my voice cracked. Am I sweating? Eeew… I produce ice, I’m not supposed to sweat!

“Are you sure about this?” she sounded worried, she never sounded worried. Good God, what a pickle I’ve put us in.

My breathing was becoming hard, my chest felt far too tight, my knee’s wobbled and my feet felt cold. Is this fear? Damn I hate it.

But what was I afraid of? They are just people, ordinary people, just like me. Infact they ARE me, we all have powers, we all have something that makes us different from normal people. Infact, it’s like everyone else was abnormal.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon