Brian And Harley

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It must be killing her, she must feel utter agony and torture inside...Brian couldn't help leave his penthouse apartment again to go check up on heart.

After the events that just took place he knew she'd be a complete and utter wreck.

He sure knew he was.

Brian couldn't even begin to explain how he felt, he didn't even know he was capable for feelings...

He couldn't believe that such an important, valuable and priceless information slipped his mind.


He was 'The Brain', it was his job to know things and nag everyone when they forgot their jobs or duties.

Brian just knew the other organs were secretly laughing at him. It's not like this information would've been useful to the Stomachs or anything, although the Lung did say that they would've appreciated a heads up about the whole matter.

"Calm down, everything's fine. It was just a simple mistake" Brian tells himself out loud.

"You're not supposed to make mistakes!" a blood vessel screamed at him as he passed by.

Brian pulled up his hood of his black hoodie and made his way down the rib cage.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. I-forgot-we're-related-to-Tony-Stark" the left lung said vehemently.

"Calm down leftie, it was an honest mistake" the right lung says.

"Do you honestly think he'd have let us off easy if we'd forgotten to breath?" left lung cried.

Right lung just shook his head and looked at Brian apologetically, "He lives closer to Heart so he's more 'emotional'"


Brian maneuvered his way around the bickering lungs and spotted Heats cottage alittle distance away.

Brian conspicuously ran down the little footpath, trying his best not to be seen, and rapidly knocks on the door.

Prepare to see her as a mess, prepare to see blood and tears. Brian silently chants to himself as he begins to hyper ventilate on the door step.

"Hello?" the sweet little voice asked as Harley opened the door.

"Uhmm..." Brian was at a loss for words. He expected to see her in chaos, in an absolute wreck. Like last time.

"Brian?" Harley says slowly, "Are you okay?"

"Me!? I'm fine! Why won't I be?" he frantically answers.

"Because you're twitching like a maniac" she replies flatly.

He looked down and in shock realized what she said was right, he repressed the shivers and continue to speak. "I'm totally fine, believe me. I must just b-be over loaded with caffeine."

He awkwardly rubs his elbow as Harley continued to silently scrutinize him. "I don't buy it" she says, deadpan.

She turns and walks further into her home, leaving the door open as an invitation for Brian to enter.

Shiftily he walks in, frantically fighting to take off his shoes and walk further at the same time. As he looked around for where to drop his sneakers, Harley reappeared with a cup of tea.

"Uhmm, that was fast" Brian commented.

"With us tea lovers, making tea is instantaneous" she replied.

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