The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss

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To say everyone was pissed would be a flipping ginormous understatement. Johnny was pissed for his own obvious reasons, Bridgette was pissed because Johnny was pissed, David was uncomfortable about the whole situation, and Sara was fuming!

The only people slightly human were me and Kevin. And I was getting pissed because Kevin wasn't!

We spent 10 minutes just trying not to bite each other's heads off. Everything was not going according to plan because there was no plan! Why oh why did this have to happen? Our reputation as a band was still new and growing! We can't have a flop tonight! Not tonight!

We'd ducked and hurdled ourselves under a nearby tent, I looked up at the night sky. You could barely make out the stars in the sky due to all the lights blaring around. The cold night was chilling and my cheeks were frozen solid, it still hadn't started to snow though. That's odd, it'd have definitely started to snow by now, especially in New York of all places.

"Things aren't going very well, are they?" I hear Johnny say to me. I look over my shoulder at him as I'm brought out of my thoughts.

"Well we only have 20-35 minutes left," I say, resigned as I look at my watch. "I'm fairly certain at this point our band will disgrace ourselves on national-"

"International" he corrected.

"International television" I sigh out in defeat.

"And most of the cyber sphere" he adds.

"Thanks for that" I say sarcastically with a smile.

"You know, there's still time to salvage the situation" he tells me, walking over to me. "You could take charge and put everything back in control." He says, standing close.

"But I'm not a leader" I say, feeling defeated. "I'm no good at nothing. I'm a complete and utter failure, everything I touch turns to shit!" I just wanted to collapse and weep on the cold ground.

"You know I hate seeing you down and upset" Johnny gathers me close and hugs me into his body.

I let myself enter his warmth and heat. I cannot remember the last time I was held by him, or even held this way, just held to give comfort. Kevin holds me in more of a...lets kiss each other's brains out sort of way. Johnny held me in a sort of way like a mother would when shielding her child from harm or danger. kinda reminded me about the way my mom used to hold me as a child, and that made me smile.

After all, your parents were one of us.

I was involuntarily reminded of that awful and horrible day, was reminded of the horrible words those men had said. What had they meant by my parents being one of them? My parents were not criminals. I try to think of something light hearted and humorous to distract my mind.

"I hear Tony has installed those lasers in my house for real" I say into Johnny's overly comfy jacket. He wasn't wearing that much heavily layered clothes, but why should he? He just kept his bodily temperature at a steady heat and goes about his day as normal.

I had to admit, I was alittle jealous because when I had my powers I never felt cold, I could be wearing a crop top and mini skirt in pouring rain and I'd only feel wet, but never cold. Although maybe my power left some benefits, I wasn't feeling the cold as much as David and Sara were. Which I guess is a good thing.

"I just don't like the fact that he did it while you were asleep behind you back" Johnny adds.

"Well he was trying to avoid me at all cost" I say, "You know the rule, all superheroes avoid Victoria Howard at all cost!"

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