Author's Note: Update (Will Be Deleted Soon...Hopefully)

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Okay, please don't kill me (even though you have every goddamn right to). But I actually have a valid reason this time for not uploading a single damn chapter in over a year.

And the truth of the matter keyboard got busted.

Like literally typing out anything was a severe strain on my middle fingers to the point it physically start to hurt (bloody hell, my fingers are already screaming in agony right now).

But I just could not go on without atleast telling you guys whats up. It kills me internally everyday to see you guys wondering when the next chapter will be and I just wanna burst into tears.

It even became so bad that even though I had pre-written chapters for some of my other stories I just couldn't upload them because I feared you'd guys would think it unfair(okay, my fingers are staring to spasm).

But I am hopeful for the future, I tried fixing the keyboard problem but it didn't really do much and I feel the "fix" at the end of the day just made it that much harder to type.

I'm still looking for a solution and I haven't forgotten this book, just stay with me and I'm sure we'll get through this together!

To all the new faces reading this books, thanks for stopping by! Join the family! XD

I just felt I had to post this so as to stop running away from the shame and provide answers to the fairly large new amounts of people reading my story (it's like ITFMOTFF got a second wind XD)

But regardless, I love you all beyond physical words can describe and I am ever grateful for your support and kind words.

P.S (I have a patreon if you feel inclined to help but that's more so to keep my YouTube channel afloat)



~Ya Gal Vicky!

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now