I Had Them All Along!?

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"I'm sorry...WHAT!??" I screeched.

"Ben Grimm and I had a deal, that he would be the Champion of Earth" Grand Master begins to says, "And in doing so it made him the strongest, bravest and most noble of earths creatures"

"But?" I knew a 'but' was coming.

"In light of recent events that have exposed your existence, we cannot call upon Ben Grimm as our campion with regard to the fact that the Grand Counsel no longer views him as such"

I look at Ben and he looked beyond offended.

"We are in awe of your incredible cosmic outreach" Grand Master continued, stretching out his arms towards me. "But we cannot enlist your services to protect the earth if you are not a member of the Fantastic Four, the group Ben Grimm is in. So the Grand Counsel has decided that we will collect all the humans of earth as originally intended and leave the planet to its ultimate fate"

"Okay WAIT!" I cry. "What if...what if I become your new hero?"

"If you think you can beg the Fantastic Four to reinstate you as a member, it won't work. A grand act must be performed in order for you to be considered as the new champion of earth"

"Yeah, I know. I wasn't gonna beg them anyway" I say a little spitefully.

"Oh...?" the Grand Master waved his arms around, and four ginormous monitor screens appeared, floating at the edge of the glass platform. "Then please inform me, and the whole world. How you plan to become our next champion...?"

The screens lit up, showcasing multiple locations around the world, all seeming to be able to view us. Was the Grand Master broadcasting this whole encounter the whole time!?

I see faces from New York, China, Australia, and Africa. And coincidentally of all, the faces on the New York screen was that of David and Sara. The whole four screens then change and now showed what I looked like.

I'm just gonna...I'm just not gonna visualize it for you, just use your imagination, okay?

I look up at the Grand Master and loudly clear my throat, I don't look at the tubes or the monitors, but train my gaze on him.

"I, Victoria Howard-"

"Stark" the Grand Master added studiously.

I fight back an eye twitch. "-plead with the Grand Counsel, to state me as the new Champion of Earth in place of the awesome predecessor that is Benjamin Grimm" I wink at Ben and I see him crack a smile back at me.

"Through what acts do you purpose to be considered as a champion of earth?" the Grand Master's voice boomed in question.

"The Tournament of Heroes" I say simply. I could hear more banging glass.

"Very well, I shall deliberate with the Grand Counsel," the Grand Master said. He momentarily goes quiet, closes his eyes, and then the gem on his forehead began to glow.

I let out a deep breath that I had no idea I'd been holding. I look around me and see the chaos taking place on the screen as crowds of people riot against the idea of me being a champion of earth.

I see Johnny's death glare being trained my way and I swiftly turn away before I saw the others scrutinizing looks.

I face the Grand Master but he was still having his psychic conference meeting.

I look down at my hand for a moment. Could it be...?

I sit down flat on the glass floor I was standing above, I cross/fold my legs under me and assumed the lotus position.

I place my palm on each lap facing up, I close my eyes and breathed.

I didn't feel any different, and I felt incredibly stupid for doing this. everyone's looking at you! This is dumb! Get up! Get up!

I fight back against the voice in my head and try my best to concentrate, ever since that battle at the hospital I've been fight against my emotions. Either burying them deep within me or channeling them through violent mediums. But I've never just dealt with them.

I need to work through how I feel and get to the root of it all...

I take another deep breath and I feel reality slipping from me. I remember all the memories that tore me up inside and each tried to accept them.

All the way back when Reed wouldn't let me leave the Baxter building, to not being allowed to attend their meeting, my roller coaster of a relationship with Johnny, the black hole, Doom, the Avengers, Deadpool, TaskMaster, Loki, losing my powers, dating Kevin, the cheating, lies, betrayals, the assault, near rape, Tony being my brother-

I was unaware of when tears began streaming down my face, fight it! Keep going!

I dig deeper down and finally-

...After all, your parents were one of us...

...Especially after we all knew she couldn't conceive...

...You can always inform her that her brother is doing just fine. Tony is even on his way to MIT right now...

"Who are my parent?" I asked, gasping out in surprise as I open my eyes. "Who...am I?"

The ultimate question that I'd stealthily managed to avoid. My origins, how I came to be in the hands of my parents, why was I abandoned?

Why does no one love me...?

The revelation allowed something inside me to click...something to open...I and could feel the power of ice and snow return to me. But this time was a little different, this time the power churned through me, swirling around like a vortex. A vortex that couldn't wait to unleash it devastating power on the world.

In shock, I look at my fingertips. Tiny crystal snowflakes dance up from them. My fingernails having a light coat of frost on them...

I knee that and look at my hand in wonder, as the element of ice hovering up from the them. Sheer wonderment not letting me moved and inch from my spot.

"How...?" Iwhispered in wonder as a tear rolled down my cheek.424-i1-v6eM>Z 

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now