☁)Just a Dream||Kid Flash

Start from the beginning

You practically jumped off the whole flight of stairs as you raced to answer the door.

You opened the door and smiled widely.

Wally was wearing a nice tux, and he was holding a rose.

Wally was wearing a nice tux, and he was holding a rose

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(Not mine ^^)

"Wally!", you squealed and hugged him tightly before he could react.

He chuckled and hugged back.

"Someone's excited.", he teased.

You rolled your eyes playfully, but your eyes shimmered with excitement, "Of course, you dummy! It's been soooo long since we've had a date!!", you whined.

I was thinking bout him, thinkin' bout me
Thinkin' bout us, what we gon' be
Open my eyes yeah, it was only just a dream
So I traveled back, down that road
Will she come back, no one knows
I realize yeah, it was only just a dream

He laughed and your eyes shimmered with happiness.

It had been so long since you had heard him laugh.

He held his hand out and smiled brightly.

"Shall we go, M'lady? I'll use my super speed to flash us outta here!", he winked.

You giggled and took his hand.

"Of course.", you smiled as he carried you bridal-style and sped away.

You finally arrived at a hilltop, where a picnic had been set up.

There were candles and rose petals everywhere. The picnic had been set up under a tree, and lights were decorated on the tree.

The lights were floating? Weird...

Wally grinned and set you down.

"Do you like it?", he asked, almost shyly.

You gave him a wide smile and squealed, "I LOVE it!! Thank you so much, Wally!"

He grinned, "Of course you love it! I mean, look at my work!", he boasted, earning a playful slap on the arm.

You sighed and playfully shook your head.

"Come on! I wanna eat!!", you whined, tugging on his arm.

He laughed as you dragged him towards the food.

"This is why I love you. You understand the importance of food!", he exclaimed.

You giggled sweetly as he bit into a sandwich.

If you ever loved somebody put your hands up
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up
And now they're gone and you're wishing you could give them everything
Said if you ever loved somebody put your hands up
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up
Now they're gone and you're wishing you could give them everything

Suddenly, everything around you disappeared, startling you.

Wally didn't seem to notice, as he was munching on his sandwich.

He glanced at you and cocked an eyebrow.

"Babe? What's wrong?", he asked, concerned.

"I-W-What's going on right now, Wally?", you said worriedly.

Wally looked around and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean, 'What's going on'? Everything's perfectly fine!", he said, confused.

I was thinking bout him, thinkin' bout me
Thinkin' bout us, what we gon' be
Open my eyes yeah, it was only just a dream
So I traveled back, down that road
Will she come back, no one knows
I realize yeah, it was only just a dream

You finally realized what was going on.

You slowly blinked as the tears started to come.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), what's wrong???", Wally asked worriedly, dropping his sandwich.

He rushed over to you and hugged you.

"(Y/N)???", he said.

"I-It's only just a dream.", you whispered, eyes widening.

"What? (Y/N)?", he exclaimed.

He slowly started to fade away as you reached out to touch him.

"W-Wally...!", you sobbed, everything surrounding you turning into darkness.

You curled up into a ball and hid you face in your hands, not able to stop the tears.

"No, no, no! No, this CAN'T be a dream!!", you yelled, not wanting to believe.

"Wally, come back to me!!", you screamed, feeling like you were being sucked into a black hole.

With that, you woke up, soaking in sweat.

Your eyes were filled with tears as you pulled your hair.

"W-Wally...", you whispered as you cried even harder.

It was only just a dream


;-; ;-; We all miss Wally! Wally! You better be back for Season 3!! We miss you!! ;-; Please, don't let him die! Bring him back!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment, and I will see you in another chapter! Stay crash and BAIII!!~

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