Chapter 13: Tension

Start from the beginning

"What in Ninjago is going on here?" Jia demanded as she, Crystal and Jason approached the others.

"Why don't you ask scrap metal over there? He started it." Kyle growled, glaring daggers at the younger descendant.

"You shot fire at me!" Frost snapped.

"But you attacked first!"

"You verbally abused me!"

"You were gonna freeze me!"

"So what? You're fire, you can free yourself!"

"But it'll still be cold! I can feel things, unlike you! And I'm also talking about your stupid artificial emotions!"

Ember can't believe what she was hearing. "Whoa! Hey! Let's not have that!" She quickly said, not wanting any more arguments.

"Why not? He's just a stupid robot with stupid fake emotions! He can't really feel anything and he never will!"

"Enough!" Crystal's voice rang loud and clear throughout the courtyard, making the others flinch.

There was silence. Kyle glared daggers at the male android, while the ice descendant had his head lowered. The tension was so thick that one could cut it with a knife.

Finally, the silence was broken by Frost.

"Just because someone is different from you, doesn't mean you should look down on them." He said, his voice quiet as he lifted his head a bit to give the older boy a hard glare. "I, at least, have more humanity than you."

With that, the green eyed android shrugged off the girls that held him before turning to the monastery gates and running out without another word.

Leyla blinked as it took her a while to process what happened. "Wait! Frost!" She called as she ran after him, with Jia and Ember following her.

After the three younger girls were gone, Raven reluctantly let go of Kyle. The brunet massaged his forearm where Raven had unknowingly held tighter than needed.

Kyle was about to comment on it, when his head was jerked to the left and he felt pain on his right cheek.

He instantly held his burning cheek and it didn't take long for him to realize that Raven had slapped him.

"What was that for?!" He demanded.

"Oh, I don't know, let me think," Raven pretended to think about something before giving the fire descendant a glare. "How about the way you acted like a total jerk! Ever thought about that?!"

Crystal stepped closer to Kyle, her icy glare sending chills down the brunet's spine. "Please give me one good reason why I shouldn't punch you hard right here, right now." She said.

Kyle was about to reply when a fist connected with his jaw and he fell back. The two girls turned and saw Jason holding his fist with his other hand and was hissing in pain.

"Why need a reason if what he did was reason enough?" Jason asked rhetorically.

"Jason! What the blaze, dude?!" Kyle asked while holding his jaw.

The ginger haired teen sent his cousin a glare, his scarred eye making him look more intimidating.

"This isn't the time for one of your episodes, Kyle," the lightning descendant said with a growl. "The whole world is in trouble and we're the only ones who has a chance of saving it. We don't need anything keeping us apart."

Jason walked closer to his cousin until he was just a several meters away. "We all have our differences, I know that, but if we let those keep us from reaching our goal then we're doomed."

Kyle was silent for a moment, pondering on his cousin's words. But before he can say anything, there was a loud explosion coming from the stairs that led to the monastery.

A shadow flew over them a few moments later and the four older teens looked up just in time to see some sort of airship flying back towards them.

It took Kyle a second to realize what was happening, but when he did he wasted no time in shouting, "We're under attack!"


"Hey, Frost, you okay?" Ember asked as she and the other two girls approached the android, who was sitting on the bridge that connected the two mountains with his feet dangling on the edge.

"What do you think?" The ice descendant snapped. He realized what he said and he quickly mumbled, "Sorry."

Ember and Leyla sat on either side of the android while Jia remained standing behind them. Silence fell upon the four young teens.

"Why does he hate me?" Frost suddenly asked. Jia made a sound of confusion.

"Why does Kyle hate me?" Frost asked again, staring at the see of clouds a few meters below them. "I know we've just met a day ago, but why does he act like I ruined his life?"

"That's cuz you did," Ember said absentmindedly. Leyla stared at her with wide eyes.

"Ember! How could you say that!" The blonde girl scolded.

Ember raised her hands in defense. "I meant that it was advanced techs that ruined his life." She quickly said. The three other descendants stared at her.

"How'd that happen?" Jia asked. Before anyone can say anything more, Frost raised his hand and hushed the three girls.

"You guys hear that?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Hear what? All I hear is the wind." Ember said. "We're at the top of a mountain for crying out loud!"

Leyla narrowed her eyes as she strained her ears to hear what Frost was probably hearing. She picked up on the faint sound of whirring.

"Is that...." Leyla began to ask but was cut off when Frost pushed the three girls away from the bridge's edge.

"Look out!" He shouted. A few seconds later, there was an explosion that came from what seemed like a laser blast.

Jia stumbled backwards and her foot slipped on the edge of the bridge. She screamed as she fell, but Ember was able to grab her hand and managed to pull her up to safety. Leyla instantly took out her weapon while Frost scanned for where the blast came from.

An airship suddenly emerged from below the sea of clouds. A person was sitting on the cockpit but the young teens were unable to see what he looked like due to the mask and red straw hat he was wearing.

As the airship flew around the monastery, Frost took the opportunity to scan the person.

"The pilot is male, 22 years of age." The android informed the three girls. He looked over his shoulder to look at them. "And I sense he's not here for a friendly visit."


As promised, a new chapter! Sorry it took so long. But I made it long to make up for not updating for a long while.

Anyways... I hope you guys enjoy. Please comment what you think of the chapter. I really love reading your guys' reaction.

See ya! ♥

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