Chapter 29

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Louis' POV

"What to wear?" I asked myself as I stared at the array of clothing before me. My head was still pounding from the previous nights fun and there was a strong nauseous feeling in my stomach when ever I moved too quickly, I still have yet to talk to Liam and Zayn about the small 'Incident' as I have quickly taken to call it, I wasn't perpetually in the mood to be yelled at, which, with Liam, was inevitable.

The dark blue curtains were tightly pulled allowing minimal light into the dark room, despite it already being three in the afternoon, yep I slept my entire day away and zero fucks were given. Even with a good nights sleep I still felt like utter shit, my mouth was dry, tasting foul and my eyes stung as I slowly searched through a pile of dirty trousers trying to find a decent pair.

I had earlier received an apologetic text from Edward asking to meet, to which I sent a simple okay and Liam and Zayn's address, If he wants to talk to he can come to me, and hopefully buy me food, and more alcohol. I sighed, Will I ever learn?

Deciding on my black and grey trackies, a plain white shirt and a simple grey zip up hoddie, not aiming to impress, but instead for comfort. A quick glance in the mirror told me I really needed to shave, having been putting it off for the past week due to my laziness and lack of motivation.

My phone told me I only had three minutes until Edward was due to arrive, so with a deep breath to calm my rapidly increasing nerves I pulled the bedroom door open and sauntered out with as much confidence as I could muster.

Heading straight to the door where I pulled on my blue trainers trying to avoid any contact with a pissed off Liam. The light was much brighter out here, only making my head worse, but that was durable knowing I could just by some paracetamol when I headed out, along with a bottle of water, oh how I needed some water right now.

"Where do you think you're going?" Liam. sigh.

"Out." I snapped, not having the time nor patience for him right now.

"That's all you really said last night. So where were you?" He pushed, sometimes I really did hate Liam. Don't get me wrong I love him but he always tries to stay in the middle of everything, always in everyone's good books unless absolutely necessary and right now in this moment I got the strong feeling he was trying to claw back some precious Niall points and rip me to shit.

"Just out." Does Edward want to hurry up or?

"No see this is what I don't get, You left Harry at what midday, so where did you go after?" He raised an eyebrow, brilliant.

"I met a guy, we partied, that's it." I dead panned, sighing in defeat. There was no winning with Liam, you told him what he wanted to know or risk losing a limb.

"So you had sex with Harry and some random bloke." I could feel his judgemental eyes burn into me without even needing to look at him.

"What's it to you?" I glared back not correcting Liam in the fact that we hadn't had sex, let hi think what he wants.

"You ruined Niall and Harry's relationship without a second thought and then fucked some other guy." Liam spat at me.

"Yep, pretty much." I smirked feeling no regret. I hate that fucking blond bastard and that smug fucking face.

"He's eight months pregnant." Liam resorted.

"Mate, I didn't make Harry do anything." My smirk deepened as Edward knocked on the door. Brilliant, Couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

Liam gave me a fleeting glare before walking past me and pulling the door open before anything could be said. If Liam wants to act like a dick then I'll fucking let him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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