Chapter 27

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Harrys POV  

It was around nine the next day when I was awoken by a loud banging, my head was groggy and my eyes felt sore. I moved from my uncomfortable position on the floor and stretched out hearing my joints cracks as I did so. Standing to my feet I quickly glanced at the bathroom mirror to see my reflection and I couldn't help but cringe, my eyes were red and puffy, my face pale and my hair was wild from the constant tugging. A loud sigh made its way through my lips as I ran the cold water tap before putting my hands underneath it to scoop up enough water to splash on my face, I did this twice feeling surprisingly better after, the knocking on the door not having stopped, I somehow couldn't bring myself to care though.

I stumbled out of the bathroom and to the front door, Niall evidently being out from the lack of shoes and coat by the front door and the door itself not having been answered. I swiftly pulled the door open not having the energy to deal with anyone at the moment being to wrapped up in self pity and my own misery. 

 However standing in the doorway was an extremely drunk and high Louis "baby." He shouted throwing his arms around my body, to say I was surprised was an understatement. 

"Lou, hi." I smiled gently as I felt his small arms squeeze me tighter. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" I stuck my head further out of the door to see if Louis' car was out side and to my relief it wan't, the idea of Louis driving in this state was enough to give me a panic attack. 

I wasn't exactly expecting Louis to answer me, but I sure as hell didn't expect him to lean back and smash his lips against my own, my eyes widened from shock then slowly fluttering closed as Louis' soft warm lips moved against mine, I couldn't help but relish in the feeling of the small man once again, it had been by far too long and right now is the best I had felt in months, with my eyes closed and familiar lips pushing against me I can almost imagine being back when we were 18, still so young with not a care in the world, before we met the other lads, before I fucked up everything. 

Realisation hit me that not only was I cheating, again, but that Louis was also completely intoxicated and in no right mind to know what he was doing, I may be considered a bad person but I could never take advantage of someone, especially not Louis, not after everything I had already put him through. I pulled back reluctantly and muttered a small 'stop' before stepping away from him. I could see his face fall as a confused frown makes its way onto his features. 

Louis doesn't say anything but instead leaned down to pick up the bottle of vodka I had failed to notice before, he took a large gulp wiping his mouth before muttering out a "Why?" 

"I can't, we can't" I tried to tell him, watching as he drank more of the alcohol. 

"You just don't want to cheat on Niall right." He stated waving the bottle around in anger, his voice was slightly slurred and I could see he was struggling to stand without swaying. 

I didn't reply to Louis' comment as it was only half true but instead pulled the drunk boy into the warmth of the house shutting the door behind him. Louis didn't hesitate to make himself at home instantly flopping down onto the sofa holding the bottle near his mouth singing into it some song I had never heard before. 

"Babe, you should probably stop drinking." I sat by his feet on the sofa gently rubbing his leg.

"Or maybe you should start drinking." He shot back sitting up to face me, "c'mon, Haz I know you want to." He held out the half empty bottle my way, he had no idea what he was doing to me, all I wanted to do was down that bottle and have my way with him not having to face the repercussions of my actions until the next day, but I knew that wasn't an option, well not really.

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