Chapter 6

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Louis POV

I was currently at Zayn and Liam's house, Harrys old one watching the football. Both boys were curled up on the sofa cuddling and I was sat in the chair occasionally yelling at the TV.

"Uh guys can I ask you something?" I turned in my seat to face Zayn and Liam, as the adverts came on.

"What's that?" Zayn questioned.

"Do you think uh Harry's cheating on me or something?" I didn't know how to say it. I wasn't to sure myself and that's why I felt I needed a second opinion.

"Why would you be thinking that?" Liam sounded curious as he asked.

"Well uh he comes home smelling different, and buys gifts I don't seem to get and is always working. I don't know I'm probably just being stupid." But I couldn't help question it. All week Harry had been at work and one day when I called his office, because his phone was turned off, they told me he wasn't in and wasn't due to be in. That was what sparked this whole thing.

"It sounds suspicious, but I know Harry and would never want to hurt you." Liam tried to reassure.

"I suppose you're right, I'm just over reacting about this, he'd probably be so hurt if he knew I was thinking this." Frowning, I couldn't help but think of how sad Harry's face would be if he knew I thought he was cheating on me.

We turned back to the tv as the game started again, but I couldn't take my mind off of Harry. He was working again today, well at least I think he is anyway, it's what he told me.

If he was cheating, who would he cheat on me with? I bet it's that bitch Sussie at Harry's work, she's always had a thing for him.

I glared at the tv in thought not really paying attention, until I heard a knock at the door. It wasn't my place so I stayed comfortably in my seat, while Zayn stood to answer the door.

"Zaynie." Niall called, I'd recognise that loud, Irish voice anywhere.

I saw Zayn and Niall hug then enter the small living room.

We all said our hellos pulling Niall in for a hug, I pulled Niall in for a big hug giving him a playful kiss on the cheek, we both pulled away laughing.

"No beer?" Niall asked.

"Kitchen." Liam pointed to the kitchen as a reply.

Niall left and soon came back holding 4 beers putting them down on the table. We all grabbed one and went back to watching the game.

My mind was always half on Harry and half on the football game, not really knowing what to do. Maybe I should just confront Harry about the matter, or maybe I should do a little research into it, no that just sounds crazy. Maybe I should just wait it out and see if anything else happens or if Harry tells me himself. My frown was growing and my head began to hurt. But what if Harry isn't cheating and I ask him, It'll look like I don't trust him and it could hurt our relationship. He probably has a very reasonable explanation for all the things I found suspicious, I trust Harry and love him. he's not cheating on me, I know it.

Just as I made my mind to not question Harry and to continue to trust him Niall spoke up. "My tummy hurts."

"Stop drinking then mate." I laughed.

"No my tummy hurt yesterday and I threw up." He mumbled looking sad, with a pout on his face.

"Aww that sucks for you then." Zayn laughed with me. We do care about each other but we all know Niall is a hypochondriac and often says he's extremely ill when it's nothing more than a cold. At Zany's comment Liam lightly hit his chest mumbling a be nice and turned to Niall.

"Have you eaten anything bad?" Niall just shook his head in response. Liam paused then said "well mate, if your tummy still hurts and you're being sick in a week, I'll take you to the doctor, okay?"

"Okay." He mumbled again rubbing his tummy while nodding his head. He always looked like a small child when he was ill.

The serious subject was soon dropped and replaced with us mucking about, teasing each other and play fighting like normal. I can't remember a time I had been around these lads without one of us teasing one another or hitting, friendly of course, each other.

The football game ended, but none of us really noticing due to how loud we were all laughing over what would been seen as nothing to anyone else, but was hilarious to us.

"That was so funny." Niall chuckled as he leaned back in his chair putting his feet on the table.

My laugh abruptly stopped as I looked to Niall's feet. No they aren't. I stood to my feet walking around the table to get a better look at the shoes. I could see from the corner of my eye the other lads looking at me, but I payed no mind to that as I was focused fully on the shoes. They were. They were the shoes that I wanted, the ones the recite said Harry had bought, the shoes Niall said he wanted.

A frown was clear on my face as I straitened up from looking at the shoes to turn to Niall. "How did you get those?" I pointed to his shoes as I asked. I know it's stupid but I couldn't help but be paranoid. And the fact Niall said he couldn't afford the shoes himself added to my suspicion.

I could see Niall's far drain. Why? "I bought them."

"How though you said you didn't have the money?" I was getting annoyed. Did Harry really buy these shoes for Niall?

"I really wanted them so I uh used some of my rent money. Stupid I know." He tried laughing it off but I didn't fully believe him.

"Why's it matter Lou?" Zayn asked me.

"Uh no reason." I shook my head. "Sorry mate." I patted Niall's shoulder as I walked back to my seat.

There was reason though. I didn't want to acknowledge it so instead of torturing myself like I had previously done this past day with the negative thoughts, I thought it best I drop it and try and enjoy myself here with my best friends and for once live in the moment rather than worry about the future.

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