Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

I squinted my eyes trying to get a better focus on the road as I waited at the traffic light, Niall was looking straight ahead being unusually quiet and Louis well Louis was doing what he did on the way here, sitting as a still as he could.

The lights turned green and I made my way forward, I heard Louis sigh just before I felt the car impact with something, hard, my body jerked to the side causing me to hit my head against the window.

I slowly pulled my aching head up at the sound of Niall's cry, the sound of the metal hitting metal ringing in my ears even through Niall's whimpers, I moved forward to Niall, I felt no pain, just panic rush through my body, adrenalin kicking in.

I grabbed Niall's face in my hands, "Niall, baby are you okay?" I rapidly tapped his right cheek trying to get a reaction there was an obvious cut on his left cheek and glass was digging into his head, he quietly groaned and that was enough for me, I moved his head very gently away from the glass and then moved to Louis in the back, his head was tilted forward, blood running down his face glass clearly embedded in his skin in multiple places, "Louis?" I asked. I got nothing, "Louis." I called louder, still nothing. I undid my seat-belt and carefully climbed through the middle of the car avoiding the glass and into the back. "Lou, please." I tapped his cheek like I had done with Niall but still nothing. "Louis, for god sake answer me." I cried out, my initial burst of adrenalin slowly leaving my body as the severity of the situation began to sink in.

Just as I was about to call Louis name again the passenger door nearest me was opened revealing paramedics. "Sir can you more out of the car or do you need help." The woman asked putting her hand out for me, I took it and got out without giving a reply, I stood on shaky legs as she lead me to the back of an ambulance were I was sat down, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders and another paramedic taking over asking a few questions about how I was feeling, with the adrenalin fully gone now from my body, I felt dizzy and cold shivers taking my body, with a shooting pain in my head on the right side. the paramedic took my blood pressure and told me I had a small concussion, minor whiplash and I was in slight shock but nothing too extreme, even at his words I didn't relax as I watched Niall and Louis both being removed from the car at the same time, Louis was first out and was put into the ambulance I was now stood next to rather than sitting on, "can I come?" I asked the passing woman.

"It's best for your sake and your friends. What's your name sweetheart?" she asked as I crawled up into the ambulance taking a seat in the corner.

"Harry Styles." I told her.

"And his name." she pointed to Louis as her colleague started working on him."

I told her and then I told her Niall's name as well, she nodded going back to Louis as we rushed down the narrow roads, Louis was laying in the middle, paramedics having already given him an oxygen mask as his breathing was very irregular and it truly worried me, they cut Louis top down the middle to get a look at his torso, seeing his body scattered with cuts and bloody, at that second I felt like if just been hit again, my body felt weaker, what if the babies, my children didn't make it.

Worry clouded my mind and my breathing became deep and rapid as I tried desperately to get more air into my lungs, I could lose one of my babies. An even more worrying thought that I could lose them both, over took me making me bend over, head between my knees as a sob escaped my lips. "are you okay Sir?" A young man touched my shoulder. I nodded my head wanting him to focus back on Louis. Him and my unborn child were the priority right now.

I calmed down slightly and took Louis' hand "Louis please be okay." I mumbled, as the paramedics had stopped what they were doing. I gently kissed his bloody knuckle. "I'm so sorry my Lou." At that the back doors swung open and Louis was pulled out of the ambulance and taken into AE, I stepped down the steps and made my way through to the front door of the hospital, blanket still wrapped around my shoulders. "Where should I go to wait for Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan." I asked the elderly lady.

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