Chapter 11

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Louis' POV

I rubbed my saw, red eyes as I slowly sat up, it had only been two days since Harry told me about Niall and I haven't been able to stop crying.

I felt more tears run down my face as I pushed the duvet from my body to sit up. I didn't want to move but I really had to use the toilet and I'd already been holding it in for an hour.

Pushing my legs over the side, I was about to stand up when I felt another wave of sadness hit me, I screamed out at the emotional pain running through my body "why? Why did he do this to me?" I curled in on myself, grabbing my legs as I began to sob once again, the man I one day wanted to marry cheated and left.

At that thought I laughed, I laughed so hard my sides hurt. I struggled to make my way to the bathroom, not form pain but from my constant laughing, after doing my business, the laughing still hadn't subsided, I didn't understand why I was laughing so much but I just couldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried yah laughing wouldn't subside.

After what felt like hours of laughing, it gradually reduced to a small giggle leaving my lips every so often.

My feet rested on the coffee table in the living room, as I slowly rubbed my flat stomach. "you're going to be so cute, little one. Yes you are, yes you are, you're my little, wittle ba..." My cooing stopped abruptly as I heard the front door open.

My heart rate increased. Was it Harry? Had he come back to me?

At that thought I jumped to my feet, tripping a little.

Harry stood in front of me, looking as though nothing had happened. He was dressed like normal and there were no signs that he had been crying or that he was remotely sad. He didn't even care.

He looking me up and down taking in that I was wearing his tracksuit bottoms and top, I hadn't showered in the past two days and it was rather noticeable with how greasy my hair had become.

"I've just come to collect my stuff." He told me as he brushed past me and I felt my heart break once again.

"Oh." Was all I could crock out.

I followed him into the bedroom where he walked over to the bed pulling out a suitcase from underneath, without hesitation he began stuffing all his clothes inside, even the ones he knew I liked to borrow.

Looking down I began to play with my hands "don't go." I whispered, my heart clenching at the thought of Harry officially leaving.

I looked up to see him looking back at me before he carried on with what he was doing.

"I still love you." I stepped forward gently tubing down his arm, he pulled away from me making my hand drop.

"Don't bother Louis, I'm happy with Niall, why can't you accept that." He harshly spat as he moved out of the room with his suitcase.

"No. I can't accept it Harry, I know you love me, I know you love me more than Niall, I know I you're only with him because if the baby" I cried desperately back, a stray tear running down my face, all evidence of my painful laughter from earlier gone as if it were never there.

He dropped his suitcase by the door and turned around to me anger evident in his eyes "Funny Lou." He spat my nickname out. " If I love you more than Niall would I be leaving? Would I of happily cheated on you for years with him? Would I have been grateful our relationship was over? No."

I felt tears run down my cheeks, the pain worsening at Harry's harsh words. "So this whole relationship mean nothing to you?" I paused trying to catch my breath through the seemingly endless sobs. "Did you even love me?"

"Do you want the truth?" His firm voice asked, I nodded my head unable to continue to speak. "No, Louis, I never loved you and it all meant nothing to me, you were a good fuck and that was it." I sank down to my knees, head in my hands.

As I began crying once more, Harry threw his key at me hitting my arm, leaving a slight burn, but that pain was nothing compared too what my heart was going through. He then left saying he'd be back at some point later on to pick up his other things before he slammed the door harshly shut.

I stayed curled in a ball on the floor for hours and no doubt would have stayed like that for the rest of the day and night night to come if it hadn't been for Zayn and Liam stopping by.

"Fuck Louis." I heard Zayn yell. I winced slightly at the loud noise.

"What happened?" Liam asked as they pulled me to my feet. "Where's Harry?" At that I cried out loudly and broke down in my friends arms. I felt myself being gently picked up and placed into the sofa.

"Lou, explain. Why were you on the floor. We only came over because none of the three of you have talked to us the past few days." He was referring to myself, Harry and Niall.

I laughed bitterly, "Harry's the father of Niall's child and has been cheating on me for years." Liam pulled me tightly to him as I said this.

"I'm so sorry." He hugged me even tighter as Zayn sat beside me stroking my hair.

I pulled away, "it gets funnier, I'm pregnant and guess who's the father , Harry of course, who the fuck else's would it have been, it's not like I ever fucking cheated."

"Where is he now?" Zayn asked.

"Gone, with Niall, playing happy fucking families." I was bitter at it could be easily heard in my voice.

"Does he know?" Liam was referring to me being pregnant as he nodded down to my stomach.

"Ha, of corse not, he stormed round he grabbed his stuff, told me I meant nothing to him and left. It's pointless telling him, he wouldn't believe me anyway." I started to deflate all the anger I previously felt being replaced with sadness again.

"You need to tell him at some point." Liam told me.

"No, I don't."

I saw Zayn shoot Liam a glare, "not helping, just know Lou, no matter what we'll help, and we'll be here." He smiled to me, trying to be a good friend but with the sadness rushing through me again I could only nod, I felt myself breaking once more as I began to cry.

I cried all through the night, Liam and Zany only ever leaving my side to go and get me water. But it wasn't right, Liam's strong arms around me felt wrong and Zayns hand stroking my hair felt wrong, it was all wrong, it was wrong because it wasn't Harry.


Hiya :)

I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone reading and everyone voting and commenting! I love reading through all the comments, knowing people are reading and enjoying this book is really motivating me and I'm really excited to write the rest of it! it's about to get very emotional and the drama will start! :)



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