Chapter 19

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Louis' POV

I paced back a forth by my front door waiting for Zayn to come, yesterday, after Harry had left Zayn had texted me telling me he was taking me to dinner to 'talk', I had nothing to talk about but he wouldn't listen, for some unknown reason I was nervous, I didn't really want to talk about everything I was fine just ignoring all my problems and carrying on the way I was.

I looked at my phone seeing he should be arriving in five minutes, I stopped my pacing and sat down on the hard floor legs crossed.

My hand rested on my stomach as my thoughts wondered to what Zayn may want to talk to my about, most likely Harry seeing my baby, but no matter what Zayn says to me my mind won't be changed, I've always been stubborn and that isn't about to change, Harry cheated and left so he had no right to see my child. I frowned at the thought.

Just as I was about to check my phone again I heard a knock at the door and couldn't help but think finally, I just wanted to get this over and done with, I loved Zayn but I didn't want to talk about this at the moment.

I stood to my feet and straightened my top slowly walking to the door, but when I opened it, it wasn't Zayn standing on the other side but Harry, a deep frown made it's way onto my face quickly, "What the fuck do you want now?" I spat.

"I thought we were going to dinner, Liam told me you knew." Harry told me putting his foot by the edge of the door preventing me from shutting it.

"No I didn't know, I was told I was going with Zayn." I wasn't happy having to talk this much with Harry.

"Oh, well we might as well go out now and sort this out since we're already here." He told me taking a step back.

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah, Niall and me."

I stepped further into my house "No fucking way, I'm not coming so have fun."

"No Louis, we need to sort this out and it may as well be now." He told me.

There was nothing to sort out but I'd already psyched myself up for a talk with Zayn I may as well talk to them and tell them there's no fucking way Harry is being involved in my child's life.

"Fine, but don't think this means you're seeing him." I pointed to my stomach implying I meant my child.

I shut the front door all confidence I had leaving my body as I saw Niall in the car waiting, I was far more scared of Niall than I was of Harry.

I opened the car door behind Niall and sat down awkwardly as Harry also entered the car. My arms and legs felt numb like I couldn't move and if I did then Niall or Harry would notice and start yelling. I found it more difficult than I should have to put on my seat-belt but once it was on I sat perfectly still, not daring to even breath normally, but instead opting for silent small breaths.

The tension in the car was obvious to everyone, I felt as if even the other passing cars could feel it. I had never been in a more awkward situation in my entire life, the way Niall would shoot a dirty look my way every five minutes and the way Harry ignored my presence, but I had to be thankful really, I didn't want Harry to acknowledge me I wanted him to forget about me so I can move on with my life.

Harry then started a conversation with Niall which I couldn't have been more grateful for as Niall then stopped the dirty looks and gave Harry his full undivided attention.

We arrived a short time after that and I jumped from the car quickly desperate to be out that small space so close to the two people I hate most. It may sound like exaggerating but they both ruined my life and think it's funny to rub it in.

Cheat Larry/ Narry MpregUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum