Chapter 23

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Louis' POV

I watched the seconds hand of the clock move slowly around the clock face, the constant ticking driving me insane, the seconds seeming to go by slower and slower as each hour passed by, I wasn't exactly sure how long I'd been sitting here watching this clock, four days maybe with a quick break to the toilet and to get water when it was absolutely necessary. I didn't feel

the need to do anything else. I didn't want to do anything else.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was all my life was going to be from now on, silently watching a clock for days on end thinking of what could have been. what could have been? I could be happy with Harry and have a baby on the way, planning for the future still in my dream job, preparing the baby's room and choosing it's name, getting engaged when the time was right and then married. A single small yet made it's way down my face and I let it roll across my cheek and down my neck, I didn't care for it, I don't want to acknowledge it.

Why am I still here? That question kept nagging and scratching at my mind and to which I never found an answer to, there is no answer. But could I do it? And I knew the answer and I knew I could, this had been brewing for day and it's time to do it, I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I'd finally be in peace.

With that I stood to my weak feet, hands slightly shaking due to not haven eaten in over five days. I reached the kitchen and grabbed the note pad and pen before heading to the bathroom retrieving what I needed to from the bathroom cupboard and then taking my seat in the floor leaning against the bath.

I put my pen to paper, I was never good at this, at goodbyes but it had to be done. I didn't feel like Liam or Zayn needed a proper goodbye from me, but I couldn't leave this world before saying one final thing to Harry, letting him know this one small thing.

I smiled as the perfect goodbye came to mind and I wrote it with no hesitation.

Always in my heart Harry. Yours sincerely, Louis.

I had sent a tweet to Harry years back that was the exact same to this and it had always been something special between us, saying it occasionally on our anniversaries or on valentines day, I was even planning to put it in my wedding vows, I sighed deeply at the thought as I pulled the paper off the note pad and placed it next to me where it would lay, I hopped someone would find it maybe a day from now or maybe a month, with the way things have been going it will most likely be a month maybe even more.

I then reached for the large bottle off pills downing as many as I could dry as quickly as I could, how cliché I thought to my self, as I took my razor drawing new deep cuts into my wrists watching the blood spill quickly out into my trousers I felt no pain doing this just relief, despite the cuts being the deepest and longest I'd done so far.

I quickly pulled my one treasured picture of my first baby scan from my pocket and held it tightly as an immense pain made it's way through my stomach as the pills began taking affect, I groaned loudly and laid down on my side trying to ease the growing pain, it'll all be over soon, I kept thinking trying to be positive for the first time in months.

Minutes ticked by and my vision began to become blurry as I lost more blood, I held the baby scan picture up to my face before softly kissing it. "Daddy'll see you soon baby." I whispered out, before shutting my tired eyes letting myself fall deeper and deeper into the black abyss, finally feeling free of all the sadness I had been put through the past few months.

Liam's POV

"Don't you think we should go and see Louis?" I asked Zayn as I hugged him closer to my chest.

He shuffled on my lap to face me "He doesn't want to see us though." He replied running his hand through my hair.

"I know, but it's already been six days since we've seen him, I'm worried what if he does something stupid." I told Zayn a frown making it's way onto my face.

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