Go back to Charleston!

Start from the beginning

"It's Ms. Lyddie and John B! They got a casket!" A lookout hollered inside the house. Cap ran outside, followed by Emanuel and Levicy. Cotton helped Anse up and out the door. Lydia and John stopped their horses and climbed off of them.
"What in the hell were you thinkin'?! And why do ya always take my horse?!"
"Because I like your horse. She's pretty." She ignored his first question.
"Uh huh. Now answer my other question."
"I was thinkin' some McCoy hussy got you shot and Jim killed. By the way, me and John got 'im back. He's the one in the casket." Lydia stated irritated.
"You stole his body?!" Cap exclaimed.
"No. John told Cline before we took it."
"You could go ta prison for that!" Cap continued. John scoffed and continued to unsaddle his horse.
"I'd rather be in prison than you be in a casket. That's the end of it." She led the horse to the barn after Robert E. unsaddled it.
"That ain't the end of nothin'!" He chased after her.
"I can't deal with you right now Cap Hatfield."
"Well you're gonna deal with me." He growled 

Lydia tied up the mare.
"Why?" He asked.
"You still haven't given her a name."
"This don't have nothin' ta do with that horse."
"I'm scared, okay. I'm so scared." She admitted.
"Lyddie, there's nothin' ta be scared of. I won't let no one hurt ya."
"I'm not scared for myself. I'm scared for you and your family. Yesterday, they yelled Cap's shot. I thought the worst. I thought I'd find ya dead or near to it. Remember when I came home after McCoy hit me? You were so angry. Imagine how I felt after I learned Nancy ratted you out. I'm still debating on getting a hold of Johnse but I reckon he's hurting too. He loved her." 
"What all did you do in town?"
"I poisoned her." She said simply with a shrug.
"You what?"
"I borrowed some bread from your Ma and slipped a hint of arsenic in it. Then I left it by her door with a note, congratulating her on her engagement."
"Jesus Christ Lyddie. You know what will happen if you get caught?"
"I'll have to pay John to get me out. And apparently he charges extra for family."
"No Lydia, you'll go to jail and most likely hang."
"But you'd be safe."
"Sit your ass down on that bed right now." He demanded and pointed at the bed they made for her tucked away in the corner.

With a huff, Lydia made her way to the bed and sat down with her arms crossed.

"Don't you ever risk your life for mine." Cap told her strictly.
"Hmmm, too late."
"I'm serious Lyddie!"
"I am too. I'm not going to let someone take you away from me before we've even started our life together!"
"Quit tryin' ta be a billy badass! You're a woman! Start actin' like one!"
"You're right. I am a woman. I'll just stay in the kitchen and cook all day and clean the house and make your clothes and give you children. News flash Cap! This is the 19th century! I might have the right to vote soon! What are you gonna do then? Keep me locked up so I can't go voice my opinion? I'm a lady. I know how to run a house and take care of a family and I'd be damn good at it too. But I will not sit down and watch you get yourself killed. If we get married I will be your partner, not your servant."
"I ain't sayin' you'll be my servant! And I ain't sayin' ya gotta stay inside all the time. I'm just sayin' you need ta stay safe and let me handle this."
"I tried to let you handle it and you came home shot."
"You're never gonna drop it are ya?"
"It just happened yesterday!"
"If you haven't noticed yet, I get hurt a lot. If ya can't handle that then you should go back ta Charleston."
"I think you're right." Lydia agreed. Cap stopped for a moment after he realized what he said.
"Now, Lyddie I-I didn't mean that."
"Yes you did. I'll go home tomorrow. I'll go support the Hatfield family at the trial. Sorry I loved you too much." She stormed past him and went into the house.

"Lyddie wait. I'm sorry." He followed her inside. Lydia nodded at John and he stood up and blocked Cap's way.

"Lyddie please." Cap begged desperately.

"Calm down. Let her blow off some steam." John advised him.
"What happened son?" Emanuel asked.
"I said somethin' I shouldn't of. My temper got the better of me." Cap confessed.
"What'd ya say?" Emanuel pressed.
"We were talkin' about me gettin' shot. I told her if she can't handle me gettin' hurt then she needs ta go back ta Charleston." He sighed.
"She'll go home for a few days and then be back. Don't worry." Emanuel comforted him.
"No. She's gone. I finally pushed her away."

Lydia was pacing the girls room, full of rage. She replayed his words over and over. Deep down she knew he did not mean it but he still said it. Everything she has done has been for him. Yet he still had the nerve to say that to her. But it was true. It was all true. This was Cap's life. She knew that. She started packing her things quickly. Tears streamed down her face as she closed her bag and rolled up her makeshift bed.

Instead of going back to the living room, she snuck out the window. She knew if she saw Cap she would stay. She slipped through and shut it quietly.
"Figured ya go that way." A low voice said. Lydia turned around to see Cap leaning against a tree. The bright moonlight was reflecting against his face. His milky eye seemed to sparkle. 

"I have to go." She avoided his face, scared she would get sucked in.
"No you don't...but you should."
"What?" Lydia was surprised at his outburst.
"I love ya. You know that. I want you. But I can't have ya. You need ta go home. Away from all this. John and your Pa will stay here. When the trial is over, I'll come for ya. That is, if you'll have me."

"I don't want to leave you. I was probably just gonna ride for awhile and then realize I was stupid and come back."
"You're not stupid. You're the smartest and bravest girl I know. I don't want you to leave. I need you to leave. While I was on Thatcher Mountain, all I could do was think of you and if you were in danger. If you're home, I'll know you're safe. And after what you did ta Nancy, it's best if ya go home. Stay there till I come for you. Please." Cap had to fight hard to say these words and not break. 

"Cap I can't."
"You have to. If you don't, you'll end up gettin' me killed. I can't focus."
"If I go, you have to promise me you'll be okay and you'll come get me."
"I can't promise you that. But I promise if I'm alive at the end of this, I'll come get you."
"Dammit. I told myself I was gonna stay mad at you and never come back. That's why I went out the window. But here I am, begging you to let me stay." 

"You can't stay mad at me Lyddie." He smirked and opened up his arms for her. She instantly went into his arms and melted. Her body molding perfectly with his. Cap took in her scent and held her tight. He ran his fingers through her soft hair. 

"Plan on stealin' my horse again?" Cap joked to ease the tension.
"I borrow your horse. But no, I was gonna steal John's."
"Well, someone volunteered ta take ya home."
"I figured Robert E. would."
"Great. We can bond." Lydia said sarcastically.
"Don't bond too much."
"It is a long ride."
"Well you did make a move on Robert E. Just jumpin' from one brother ta another."
"Maybe I have a thing for Hatfield men. Younger Hatfield men."
"A lot of girls do."
"But don't worry. Ransom Bray helped me figure out my type."
"How so?"
"He described you as scrawny and he might have thrown in the word one-eyed gorilla."
"Oh. So you have a thing for gorillas."
"No." She laughed.

"Just scrawny men."
"No. Unique."
"Well that's a nice way to put different and weird."
"I'm gonna miss you."
"So, you'll go?"
"For you." She said.

A/N I understand that her poisoning Nancy is unrealistic but this is a story so it works. And I researched what kind of poisoning was most common in this time and it said arsenic. Also, how do you think the ride with Johnse will go? Will she switch brothers? Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!

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