"I don't understand that ridiculous cliche though," Anna says rolling her eyes. "The queen bee's in schools are not cheerleaders- they're the volleyball players!"

Lyla laughs, and peels and orange to eat. "That may just be our school, Anna."

"Here, as Anna always says, Viola- Bon appetite!" I say whisking omelets in their direction. They pretend to cheer and clap at my "amazing" French, and I bask in their applause.

"C'est tres bien," Anna says taking a bite. "But on more important matters, you know I heard Coach Wallace say he want's to kick William Moore off the team. He was telling our gym teacher Ms.Lord."

"No." Lyla gasps.

"I know-he's the best back quarterer in the whole team."

I laugh, "Anna-quarterback."

"Oui, oui, whatever," Anna says impatiently. "Why do you think he wants to do that?"

"Ann- I think you misunderstood. There is no way Coach Wallace is kicking Will off the team, our team hasn't won the state championship in years. Will is literally our only chance, we need his speed and agility- plus he's the best catcher in the whole team. And we need that Andrew too- his kick is amazing." I look at Anna and Lyla and they blink slowly with furrowed brows. "His grades are probably slipping our something dumb." I finish, If I want to discuss sports, I have to do it with my Papa- because Anna and Lyla are clueless when it comes to football.

"Oh. Well, that's boring." Anna says. She looks at her milk sadly. "When can I start having coffee again." She sighs dramatically.

"Never. Even a little bit of chocolate can make you crazy." Lyla says combing through her black hair with her fingers. "You know what your doctor said, you have a caffeine sensitivity."

"Yes- but you're lactose intolerant and you eat cheese!"

"I have pills Anna." Lyla says twirling her lactose pill around her fingers. "Which I need to take before this omelet kicks in."

We all laugh hysterically until Anna slumps against her chair dramatically. "All this food is going right to my belly- how do you do it, Cira. You send all your carbs right too your hips and boobs."

I laugh, it is kinda true though. I have my dear Mama's body. Super Italian and thick. What do you expect? Italians eat a lot. It's an ongoing joke I have with my friends. Lyla can eat anything, but with her metabolism, she continues to look like what she claims is a "stick." And Anna she's gorgeous too, she's a figure skater who's super toned, and has a theory that when she skates she burns a billion calories- so she eats whatever she wants. And then there's me. Sure some people might call me fat but I've learned to love the extra layer of skin around me, with it I feel beautiful. And no before you say it. I'm not unhealthy. I eat only home cooked meals, three times a day, and plenty of fruit and vegs. Plus I love going to the gym- so don't you even think it.

I think they're an unhealthy misconception of what the word "healthy means." Healthy means me, Lyla, and Anna. While each of our bodies is very different, they're all healthy. You can trust us on that.


We have ten minutes left in the first period when Mrs.Wang interrupts our debate on whether Tomatoes are vegetables or fruits. While I had to admit it, tomatoes are technically fruits, Since they are developed from the ovary in the base of a flower, and contain the seeds of the plant.

She opens her mouth to speak, her cheeks flushed pink with excitement when the door suddenly opens, and William Moore walks in with a hoodie covering his face. He's definitely cute, with his blue eyes, sharp jawline, and dark hair, but lately, his eyes are becoming more shadowed and dark.

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