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Chanhyun pov

Chanyeol released me out his grasp. He grabbed his special box, heading down stairs.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, I'm scared to tell him the whole truth since I barely know it myself.

I rubbed my face prepping myself. I need to at least seem untouched.

"Hurry up liar!!" Chanyeol yelled.

He's right, I am a liar. I'm keeping a promise against him because I'm weak and afraid of the person who threatened me to keep it.

I'm a coward. I'm a failure. How am I his twin?

Why did I listen to him?

I open my closet to get out my secret box filled with all the secrets and sins I've ever kept away from Chanyeol. He doesn't know about this box and hopefully it stays that way. He has his own but, we hide different things away that we desire to keep away from each other.

Here I have the memories, gifts and Baekhyun presence, his positive features I rather remember more than the wrongs he's done to me. All these gift are from him, all these memories were made with him. He filled my childhood with light, he was my light, he was important to me however, it seems the feeling wasn't mutual since he is the one who darken my world by changing. He doesn't know I how much I miss his company these day, I just don't have the courage for scarring me.

He changed for the worst, I thought I had made a friend. He brought me that hope and crushed it like nothing. He crushed me like nothing.

Baekhyun may be hurt now and I'm sorry he has to feel this pain because he is a nice person but, he betrayed me and betrayal takes longer to forgive than a disturbing lie.

They say time heals all wounds if that is so, tell me why I haven't forgiven him for his sin?

"Chanhyun hurry up!!!"

Chanyeol is getting so angry at me but, who isn't?

That's how I know I'm still living, if people I love are angry at me then I'm happy to say it's my fault.

I'm confusing don't worry I know, I am very confusing.

I'm a liar and...much worse. Beware me, I'm not as weak as I seem. I'm dangerous too.

I took my box, leaving my bedroom before giving it one more glance. Good bye room, I'll miss you a lot and thanks for always being sound proof.

I ran down stairs to meet my crying mother, a still pissed Chanyeol and the three men; Tao, Jackson (Got7) and Mark (Got7).

Tao continued to smirk at me as I hugged my mother for the last time since Chanyeol had already said his good byes to her.

"See you in a year mum" I waved walking out the door.

"This will be the final time I say goodbye, please have a nice life" I heard her whisper before pushing me out the door forcefully.

"Good bye neighbours, garden, bae neighbours, home and mum. See you sooner than later, I hope" I waved entering the limo parked out in front.

"You'll have a new home now" Tao grinned "now before going to the mansion you both need clothes" he continued.

"Hmm" I answered knowing this couldn't end well.

"Chanyeol, why the long face?" Jackson asked sincerely.

Jackson is a really kind person and cares a lot about others, even if he can seem kinda cold at times... Like when he entered our room he was cold but, it was his job to do so and he takes it very seriously.

My brother didn't answer him instead he stared out the window and because of me he had to leave the place he cherished... It's my fault.

Luckily my box contains my true weapon of punishment, when we arrive I will hide away and start then leave as if I had done nothing to myself. I hurt myself mentally.

This is how I survive.



We arrived at the shopping centre and of course we went straight to the Gucci section first because that's Tao's ultimate weakness. He dragged Chanyeol away with him since I declined leaving me alone with Mark and Jackson. They actually took care of me when I stayed at the mansion. They would always nurse me to heath after my violent punishments and for that I am very grateful to them.

However, this made them become very concerned when my behaviour changed, they could sense my truths and lies. They knew my sins and tried to help me get over them but, I'm still too weak and feel there is no escaping. It's because of those thoughts I am kept grounded and unable to move forward. I am mentally trapped and they are the only ones who truly know why.

"Chanhyun, how have you been recently?" Mark asked me.

"I tried to end it all with a kitchen knife" I answered as they both shot me confused stares.

"Why!?" Mark questioned

"We want the truth, all the truth Chanhyun. How could things get that bad?" he repeated.

"In short; I was tired of the abuse I received; tired of the constant pain I felt inside, I couldn't take it anymore hyungs, it was too much; I'm tired of the lies I was told and keeping away them from Chanyeol..."

They glared at me with nothing but disappointment and concern.

"Continue" Jackson said.

"Though I say that, I've been keeping more from him day by day. Chanyeol, I want to protect him from my past but I don't know how without lying to him and I know lying is bad. It's considered a sin in my family but I can't tell him the truth right now or I could risk his safety"

"What happened to your hand?"Jackson interrupted.

"I cut my hand and made a pack with him, hyung I made a blood pack. I promised to be is blood brother till death" I breathed.

"Wow! You two are all ready so close in DNA so, technique you were already blood brothers and Chanhyun you've just made this situation harder than it should have been" Jackson exclaimed shaming me.

"I know" I sulked, he's right.

"If you were my son, I'd send you to another school with no Chanyeol" Mark stated as he hugged me. "I would always keep you safe aren't like that useless twin of yours, he always brings problems with his being here" he added.

"No, Mark I love Chanyeol pwease don't misunderstand things between us. It's my fault this is all happening" I defended.

"No it's not, Chanyeol is older he is at fault by age" Mark said.

I just stared at him, how does age have anything to do with this?

Mark really did not like Chanyeol and I don't even know why. I'm the bad twin between us, not him, he's innocent.

"That doesn't make sense Mark, stop getting so emotional" Jackson said calmly.

"I'm not emotional JACKSON WANG!" Mark exclaimed.

"HE'S ON HIS PERIOD AGAIN CHANHYUN" He shouted shouted as Mark chased him.

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