Pt. 117

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Unknown's point of view

"Are we actually going to do this?" 

"Yes baby, we can."

"But... Didn't you say that someone had to watch?"

"We just need 2 witnesses."

"Love. I don't think I can though."

"You can."

"What if we get caught?"

"We wont get caught."

"Why do we need witnesses then?"

"We just do otherwise we cant get away with it."


"Darling, please trust me."

"I do."

"Then what is the problem?"

"I'm scared."


"I don't know. I've never done it before, maybe?"

"Oh my lord. Get your head together. Its not like we are going to die."

"B-b-but we might..."

"Ill protect you."

"I know you will but who will protect you?"

"It doesn't matter about me."

"Yes it does! Everything could go terribly wrong!"

"Thinking like that, it will."

"Don't say that. It makes me nervous."

"Come on. Its not that hard. It will all be over by the end of the week."

"But it wont..."

"I know 2 zip-mouth witnesses who will help us out."

"I'm not sure about this."

"You agreed to it so take responsibility, man."

"I know..."

"Everything will be fine... I promise you."

"Okay. I trust you. More than anything."

"I know your worried. Just don't forget that we are in this together. No matter what."

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