Eliminating Ethan [Boy x Man] (Chapter 10)

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The rain pattered against the window; smacking into it to bring noise to the quiet room before it silently rolled down the glass. It never ceased either, as a downpour had began some time ago, and now seemed that it wasn’t going to go anywhere. Thunder and lightning soon followed the rain, their presences much more apparent due to the little activity in the room.

The blonde didn’t say a word, staring off at nothing as if she were consumed momentarily by her thoughts. But then again, what else could she be doing but getting lost in her mind? It wasn’t like she could do anything but wait for that phone to ring anyways.

The man was just as quiet; nothing but the sound of his fingers drumming against the desk coming out of him. He too looked like he were lost in his mind, his brilliant eyes having a faraway appearance to them.

Although they were both practically silent, the tension in the room was worth choking over. Anxious energy ran through both of them, but their appearances made it seem like they were nothing but bored.

And that was very hard to believe, given the circumstances.

Abruptly the silent atmosphere was severed as the phone near the drumming fingers released a shrill ring.

The sudden noise made them both jump, their eyes immediately fleeing to the cause of it.

The man stayed composed, reaching for the phone without even a glance to the girl. Her, however, looked on nervously, moving her legs from over the arms of the chair she had been sitting in and now sitting up straight. Hands clutched a hold of each arm tightly, as if that were the mere thing that was keeping her from speaking out.

With almost deliberate slowness, the receiver was brought to his ear, and he took a long pause before he spoke.

“Corvin.” He greeted, though his voice ceased to have any emotion. Even the sinister ring that was usually heard was long gone from his tone, as if he didn’t find pleasure in anything that was happening.

“Adolf.” Another man greeted gruffly from the other side of the line. The voice sounded stressed, and the man couldn’t decide it that was good or not.

“I trust that you got our problems taken care of?” He asked, his voice holding a silent threat to it.

There was a long pause, and just from that the man feared by everyone knew that what he was about to be told was far from good.

“I’m sorry, my friend,” The man sighed. “I can’t say I did… My boy is beyond reasoning with. There’s nothing more I can do from my end… Do what you must with him. I tried to speak rationality with him, but he was ignorant. I can not save him any longer. Your boy has free will.”

The man didn’t say a word, though his entire body seemed to tense at the bad news. He wasn’t worried that his own boy would be able to handle the other, he knew he could, what stressed him was the fact this matter couldn’t be handled more cleanly.

It was his turn to sigh down the phone line now. “I understand… I will apologize now then. Would you like the body returned to you?”

“...Yes.” Came the answer after a moment. “I have failed to bury one of my children, I would like to at least have the chance to bury one.”


“And Adolf?”

The man had planned to hang up after that, but curiosity nabbed at him, and convinced him to stay on the line.

“Yes?” He asked, continuing to stare at the desk in front of him.

“I’m sorry for my misfortune inflicting damage upon you.”

If the man wanted to respond, he wouldn’t be able to now. The call had been ended on the other end, leaving nothing but silence for him to listen to.

He paused for a long moment, then slowly lowered the phone back down into the hook.

During the entire phone call, the girl with the bright eyes had stared at the man across from her. She kept herself from asking what was being said, though she already had a rather good idea how it had gone just from hearing the one side of it.

Now that the phone had been set down, she couldn’t bring herself to be patient any longer as her tense expression slowly faded into a more serious one.

“Well?” She asked, her brow perking up.

The man finally looked at her, as if almost surprised she actually knew how to talk. His hand had yet to leave the phone, though it was put down, but now he slowly returned his hands to his lap.

“It seems that Sir Leroy can no longer control Brett.” He finally said with a frown.

Anger sparked in the golden eyes across from him, and a soft jaw suddenly became hard as she clenched it.

The amusement he felt only lasted a second, quickly diminishing again as she spoke again.

“What does that mean?” She asked.

He leaned back into his chair, studying the teenager across from him for a long moment. He did it only for the mind play, watching as she grew even more tense with every second that passed. She looked like she was about to lose her grip on her emotions, and as much as he wanted to see that happen, he took pity on her as she had slowly began to scrunch up her face.

“Sir Leroy has seemed to have disowned his son for now, and will continue to do so until his boy is dead… Ethan is free to do as he pleases.” The man finally said as he dropped his eyes back to his desk.

Immediately the girl stood when he had finished speaking. She didn’t say another word as she turned, and marched her way over to the door.

“Shakira.” He called, his eyes once again moving to her form.

She stopped short from the door, her hands balling into fists at having to stop. Her anger only continued to fuel his amusement though, and with a frown on her face she turned to face him.

“Sir?” She asked.

The smirk slowly fell from his face, and he became just as serious again. And again, he found his gaze dropping.

“Keep Ethan alive.” Was his only order.

She knew exactly what that meant, which made her blood run cold. The frustration she once felt completely slipped from her body, and a feeling of worthlessness fell on her form.

The girl knew she was only a tool, but she had always thought that she was worth more than her brother. It had suddenly became clear to her now though who was really the worshipped one, and she felt like she had been slapped across the face.

She couldn’t argue though; Ethan had been made for this life whereas she was only tutored in it.

Without a word, she gave a nod, though he wasn’t watching anymore, and took her leave.

Eliminating Ethan {Sequel} [Boy x Man]Where stories live. Discover now