Eliminating Ethan [Boy x Man] (Chapter 22; Part 1)

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Hi there. I know, it's been a while.

I just wanted to make a quick announcement. In both the previous book and in earlier chapters of this one, I have mentioned Ethan having another child beisdes the one that is Brett's nephew (Brent). I decided that was too much drama, so I am instead editting out anything that has to do with Ethan having more than one child. His only child will be Brent, and I don't have any plans for another one.

Just wanted to let you guys know ^-^

~ RichieMonster.


Chapter 22

Rain was pouring down, and the jacket Ethan had on did nothing to cover him from the elements. He had the hood yanked up, and kept his head bowed while moving down the sidewalk, but still he could feel the water seeping through the fabric of his thin coat.

By now, he probably would've been chilled to the bone and shivering. He probably was shivering actually, but at this point he just assumed it was his anger that had him shaking.

God, when I get my fucking hands on him and finally get this all settled...

The German boy gritted his teeth; grinding the ivory sets together until they raked almost painfully against each other.

I'm so fucking sick of this game....


The only problem was, Ethan actually had no idea where he was going.

Obviously, Brett would have moved his original warehouse hideout. Only an absolute idiot would keep the same place, and even though Ethan knew his brother in law to be a complete moron, he sincerely hoped he wasn't that much of a lost cause.

Plus, Ethan had checked there anyways, and sure enough it was vacant.

But where else can I look...?

In this town, there were just too many hiding places. There were too many old buildings just waiting to be used, and the sound of the rain hitting pavement was deafening to the point he wouldn't be able to hear any noise coming from any of the buildings he passed.

The rain also kept the usual drug addicts and prostitutes hidden inside warm places, since only the most desperate would be out in this sort of weather.


Where am I supposed to go? Who the fuck am I supposed to ask?... It's not like I can just go to the police and say "Hey, have you seen my crazy ex brother in law? You know, the kid that just mysteriously moved here? Why do I want to know where he is? Oh, well, you see, a long time ago I killed his sister and niece, who was my fiancée and daughter, and now he's gone bat shit crazy. So, you know those murders you thought I was responsible for? Yeah, it's actually him behind all that. But don't you worry, just help me find him, and I'll take care of it all."

Yeah, they're never going to believe that, let alone help me out without throwing me in jail at the same time.


Ethan was cold and very pissed off. He was already seething over the whole situation to begin with, but now he couldn't even find the boy to kill him.


He stopped at a bus stop; ducking underneath the small roof that was built above the bench to try and dry off a little. He pulled the hood back, and shook his head like a dog to try and get some of the water out of his black hair.

Eliminating Ethan {Sequel} [Boy x Man]Where stories live. Discover now