Chapter 12: Kill the Mission

Start from the beginning

I then ran into the base seeing Kurome surrounded by a large amount of bandits, I drew my katana, taking a few out in the back trying to make my way towards her, I then heard some of the bandits. “Th---this girl-” he said, “she’s got a cute face, but she’s so strong!!” As he said that, Kurome turned and cut them all down, I barely managed to block her Yatsufusa since she didn’t see me rush in. “Sorry.” She said sheathing her teigu, “I didn’t even need to release my abilities. But if everyone is already dead, maybe I could play by switching your body parts--- my fun little dolls---.” I then saw a large bandit approach wielding a greatsword, “Kurome,” I said, “allow me to fight this one.” I then walked towards him, “Howdy.” I said with my right hand in my coat pocket. He then swung his sword at me in a vertical slam. I just slightly turned to my right, having the sword strike an inch or so from my feet. “That was kinda close pardner.” I said jokingly while putting my left hand it it’s corresponding pocket. I then noticed the bandit was going for a horizontal swing, so I jumped onto the tip of his sword as he swung. “H-h-how the hell?” he asked. I then ran up the blade kicking him in the face, and pushing off sending myself back towards Kurome. “Come an’ get me sucker.” I said with a grin forming on my face. He then rushed at me, I grabbed my revolver from inside my coat and fired a round, knocking away his greatsword, he the turned to grab it as I shot it father away from him. He then turned toward me, so I shot him right in the heart as he fell. “The bigger the are,” I said reloading my revolver, “The harder they fall.” I then heard another person fall, and I saw Wave standing with his back to Kurome, “What-?” Wave started, “No need to thank me, we’re a team right?” “If you say so.” Kurome started, I already knew he was there.” “What?” Wave started, “For real?!” Bols then started running in, I heard a bandit give an order, “That one!” he barked, “Riddle him with holes!!” “BOLS!” I shouted, “LOOK OUT!!!”

I said that a second too late, the archers fired all of their arrows, maybe a hundred over all, were sent straight towards Bols. Bols responded by burning all of the arrows to protect himself. The flamethrower teigu, I thought, Purgatory's Invitation ‘Rubicante’, I thought that looked familiar. The flames launched seem to act as napalm. “This is also part of the job, after all.” Bols said bruning his would be attackers on sight. “GYYYAAAAAA!!!” I heard the bandits scream in agony as their bodies were burned. “It’s so hot~!” one of the bandits said trying to put himself out, “What is this flame?!! Even in water the fire won’t go out--- Sa--- Save me---” as he said that, he was crawling towards other bandits. “This ain’t no joke.” one of the bandits said turning around to run, :”I’ve got to get the hell out of this place!!” He then ran from the battle.

I started to chase the bandits down, to see if I could figure out where they were going, when I saw a large shadow form in front of me using the full moon, that shadow looked like an angel What the ‘ell is that thing? I thought as white feathers were launched towards the bandits hitting the running bandits in the head “Wha … … at …?” a bandit said falling to the ground. I then noticed Run was the ‘angel’ I saw, Winged teigu, I thought, soaring for thousands of miles, ‘Mastema’. “Not even one of you will be allowed to escape.” Run said ‘firing’ a second wave of feathers. I then returned to find Seryuu attempting to kill my prisoner. “SERYUU!” I shouted, grabbing her arm “Quit, he knows where Night Raid’s located, I’m planning on seeing where he takes me.” “NO PRISONERS!!!” Seryuu shouted kicking at the prisoner, “SHOUT YER DAM’D MOUTH!” I shouted throwing Seryuu to the ground, “Yer way a’ thinkin’ is too damn near-sighted, think of thing a few steps ahead of others, if this man is telling the truth, we can take an assault on Night Raid.” “And if he’s lying?” Esdeath asked walking in with Tatsumi. “Then I’ll kill ‘im myself.” I said. “Very well then,” Esdeath started, “we will leave for Night Raid tomorrow.” “No ma’am,” I started, “I’ll travel alone, or with a single person as a scouting run, an’ I’ll do it on my own accord, I want him to think on his actions.” “Ok,” Esdeath started, “Any volunteers to travel with him.” “Y/n,” Tatsumi said, “Take me with you!” “You’re not leaving my side.” Esdeath started, “Anyone else?” “Allow me to go General,” Seryuu said, “I will destroy Night Raid.” “And that is why YOU are staying at the HQ,” I started, “You are too aggressive, this’ll be a STEALTH mission, not an assault, we need to look at what is happening, an’ plan accordingly.” “I guess I’ll go.” Kurome said pulling out a bag a cookies. “Alright, then,” I started, “We’ll head out tomorrow after breakfast, I’ll grab my horse. On the way back.” as I said that I grabbed the prisoner and the Jaegers with Tatsumi and I started walking back.

Back at base, I left the prisoner in the jail, with guards to keep him safe, “Alright, keep this prisoner fed, healthy, and most importantly,” I started, “Keep Seryuu Ubiquitous away from him. She will try and kill him.” “Yessir.” one of the guards said while giving me a salute. “If she heads down ‘ere, send someone to my room.” I said leaving to my room.

After a while of trying to sleep, I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.” I said rolling over. Just then Seryuu walked in, “The ‘ell do ya want?” I asked as she closed the door. “I’m sorry.” She said looking down, “What the ‘ell did ya do this time?” I asked sitting up. “I’m sorry for trying to kill the prisoner.” she said, “I let my anger over General Ogre get the better of me. I don’t plan to get a good night’s sleep until I figure out who killed Ogre.” “I figured that was yer goal,” I said, “I’ll help ya figure out who did it.” “Thank you.” She said starting to leave my room. Damn. I thought lying back down, I’m the man she’s after, but she doesn’t know, I’ll have to kill ‘er at some point, I guess I’ll tell her as she dies, it’ll be rough, or I may not tell ‘er, either way it’ll hurt ‘er. I then went back to sleep.

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