Chapter 107

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For those of you still with me on this really long journey, thank you. When I started, I never thought this story would become so long! So your patience, your support, and your comments/votes have been amazing in keeping me going. I just wanted to let you know that. I appreciate you guys far more than you probably realize.

This isn't quite what I wanted but I like it. Enjoy!


**| Sang's POV |**

The book store was to capacity. I barely made it inside before they began turning away others. The author tonight was a big name, his books filling tables, and already the supplies were dwindling down as people got their copies.

People kept bumping into me and I had to remind myself to breathe and that the guys were around. I knew Kota, Sean, and Axel were in the building. The others were outside and waiting to follow in cars if my father showed up. I blew out a breath.

The event was going to start soon and so I decided to work on my wish-list of books I wanted to read. I avoided people as I began in the mystery section, checking out the books the had been recently released and exploring the new author section.

I loved author events because the bookstore became alive. People flocked here to meet the author, the author opened themselves up to their readers, and people bonded over a similar interest. Everyone was here, from the kids and teenagers to people taking time from the office to come here. People in suits blended in with people in t-shirts and jeans.

I smiled and went down the next aisle, where the books blended into mystery romance. Someone grumbled and I looked over to see a woman walk away from the bathroom with an out of order sign hanging on the door.

Another woman was standing next to the men's bathroom and I almost laughed when a woman came out and began giggling as they walked away.

When you had to go, you had to go.

A book caught my attention and I pulled it down, flipping it over to read the back. When that didn't clue me into how it was going to end, I flipped to the last chapter and skimmed it.

"You shouldn't spoil books for yourself," a robotic voice said. Arms wrapped around me, a gloved hand covering my mouth as I was dragged into the women's bathroom, the book falling to the carpeted floor with a soft thud. As soon as the door was closed, he pushed me further into the bathroom and leaned against the door, arms crossed over his chest.

I blinked in confusion, trying to figure out what happened and how it happened too fast. My heart thundered with adrenaline and right away, I glanced around for an escape route. I wasn't above climbing out of a bathroom window.

Volto chuckled and I backed off, putting more distance between us.

The man, or maybe woman, stood before me, wearing the typical outfit he wore since I first met him. I wondered how no one even noticed him. Then I took in his clothes. The hoodie, the dark pants. Really, he could probably have blended in and then just tossed on the hoodie and the white mask before taking me. Did the bookstore have cameras?

"A small fight broke out and it caught your bodyguards' attention. They don't know you're in here," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You know what I want."

I shook my head.

He was quiet for a moment. "You're allowing them to put you in danger. I want to end that."

"The only danger around here is you."

He chuckled. "And the three men outside."

I paled. He had friends?

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