Chapter 8

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Give a round of applause to BelindaPeters-Waine! I promised to match updates with her by today and she managed to get three chapters up of Capturing Them!! Woohoo!! So you get three chapters of Nomad 101. If you haven't yet, I suggest running over and reading her FF. It's awesome!

Anyways! Thank you for reading and comment! I love reading your reactions and they are great motivators for me to keep going.


Nomad Rule #2: Protect your identity

**| Sang's POV |**

"What are we doing today?" Gabriel asked once everyone finished their meals.

Marc was kind enough to collect the trash and throw it away for us.

"Today, we be nomads," I said with a smile. "You can do whatever you want. I like to explore the city, find hidden gems. Then later this evening, I can show you a good soup kitchen where they pass out the good food for dinner."

The boys seemed to agree with my plans and so I spent the rest of the morning and afternoon showing them a couple of my favorite spots to just hang out at and relax.

An old forgotten playground with a tire swing. I had spent long hours on the tire swing over the last year. Luke loved the swing and made Gabriel spin him.

A walking trail that snuck through a large hidden garden, surrounded by apartments. There was a spot I liked to lay down in to stare up at the sky and pretend buildings and people didn't surround me. Marc took a small nap while Luke ran around with Gabriel.

An abandoned warehouse with a forgotten piano left behind. I've enjoyed my time picking at the keys despite not knowing how to play and the piano being out of tune. Gabriel showed me the right notes to a simple song a friend had taught him.

A small hedge maze tucked between two buildings. There was a well in the middle to throw a coin and make a wish at. We all threw a penny and made a wish.

My favorite, a water fountain. It was on a slope so the top was the water fountain and I could take my shoes off and follow the small stream to the bottom of the slope.

That was our last stop. I had my feet in the water, sitting on the edge while Luke splashed an irritated Gabriel. Marc sat next to me but with space between us.

I already felt tired and would have probably just found a place to nap but I wasn't alone and it was about time to head to the soup kitchen for food.

"Hungry?" I asked, standing up and enjoying the cool water against my toes. I needed to get better shoes soon.

"Fuck yes," Gabriel said jumping out of the river part of the fountain with Luke following behind.

I giggled at his reaction.

"Come on, the soup kitchen isn't far from here."

I used a dirty shirt in my bag to dry off my feet before putting on my socks and shoes. We began the trek to our next destination, the boys following close behind. Marc stood to my right, Gabriel to my left, with Luke behind me. At some point during the tour, they had begun to surround me while we walked. I felt like bodyguards surrounded me.

I didn't mind because people would walk around us and I didn't need to worry about bumping into anyone. They created a bubble around me.

The soup kitchen was about four blocks away and when we got there, there was already a long line. We got into it and now all we had to do was wait.

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