Chapter 82

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**| Sang's POV |**

The babies were absolutely adorable. We stood there for a good hour just staring at them as a nurse attended to them. We stood side by side, our arms brushing against each other as we just stared and let their adorableness chase away the nightmares growing inside of us.

Finally, Sean looked over at me, his whole demeanor lighter. Babies really did help. Their innocence tugged at you, their simplicity a heartwarming outlook on life and its possibilities.

"They amaze me every time I see them," he said, staring at me. "They remind me of why I do what I do, despite the horrors I have to see sometimes."

I nodded. "They definitely give you the warm fuzzies, don't they?"

He chuckled. "That they do. Do you want to hold one?"

My eyes widened with horror and I shook my head. "What if I drop them? Or they don't like me?"

He chuckled. "They're newborn babies. The only thing they care about is the feel of human touch. There are volunteers who come in and all they do is hold the babies for a bit. That's it."

"You can volunteer to do that?"

He nodded. "I do it when I get the chance. And right now is a perfect time." He reached out and grabbed my hand, entwining our hands together. His touch was warm and supportive as he tugged me gently towards the door leading into the room. I followed along, my anxiety spiking.

I never held onto a baby before. Never had to deal with them. They were so tiny and fragile.

"You'll be fine," Sean said softly, giving me a calming smile.

I nodded as he opened the door and the nurse looked up, smiling bright. She was middle-aged with dark brown curly hair pulled back into a puffy ponytail and laugh lines next to her soft honey-colored eyes. Just looking at her created comfort within me, which was rare. I struggled with women, especially when I first met them. But something about the nurse was peaceful, as if she came to terms with herself and didn't hold any conflict within.

"Nurse Margie," Sean said. "Meet my beautiful nurse in training, Sang."

Nurse Margie's smile widened. "Sang, it's nice to meet you. Did you want to hold one of them?" she asked.

My eyes flickered over all the small cribs with panic.

"She does. She's just a little nervous," Sean spoke up for me when he realized I wasn't going to answer anytime soon, too distracted by the tiny lives before me.

The nurse laughed and moved closer, stopping to pick up a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. "This little darling is Andrea, she's the most comfortable with strangers."

She stepped closer and my eyes zeroed in on the baby tucked in her arms. When she stepped closer again, I stepped back.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea. What if I drop her? What if dropping her causes her to start hating strangers? I would hate to be the cause of her shying away from others."

Nurse Margie laughed and Sean just smiled as he said, "Sang, I promise you won't drop her. She ways all of half a pound."

I nodded and the nurse moved closer. They took a few moments to show me how to hold the little infant and then stepped away, leaving her precious life in my arms.


I froze and didn't move, locking up my body. The baby began to fuss.

"Sang, you need to relax," Nurse Margie said. "She can feel that you're uncomfortable and she's responding to that."

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