Chapter 61

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Wow, your reactions to last chapter was a lot...bigger...than I expected. Thank you! Hope you enjoy the next one. I want a Corey in my life so badly.


**| Corey's POV |**

My phone was still buzzing like crazy and I knew it was because of Sean's vague text about Sang being hurt. As soon as I read that text message, I popped open my laptop and looked at the map, relaxing when I knew she was in Tent City.

My phone buzzed again and I sighed, lifting it up and reading all the text messages. Most of them were expected and I skimmed them, stopping only when I got the Sean's next message.

Dr. Green: Someone needs to watch Sang. We need some guard dogs.

Mr. Blackbourne: What do you mean?

Dr. Green: She was attacked by that pebble guy. I stitched up her wound be she needs a guard dog.

Gabe: What the fuck do you mean that little shit attacked her?!?

North: Who the hell is the pebble guy? Is Sang Baby okay? I'll watch her.

Mr. Blackbourne: No, North. You're already busy and I don't want to pull you away from the project.

Nathan: I'll go.

Mr. Blackbourne: No. You have classes and I don't want you canceling them. You'll break trust with the Nomad community if you do. They expect you to be there and we need you to be there.

Axel: Raven also, he needs to keep up with the classes too.

Mr. Blackbourne: Dr. Green, who is the pebble guy?

Dr. Green: Oh...maybe it was stone.

Marc: Please tell me you don't mean that asshole, Rocky.

Dr. Green: Yes! Him. He attacked Sang. She's fine, only needed stitches.

Luke: Only? How is that an only? I'll watch her.

Mr. Blackbourne: You will not.

Dr. Green: I hate to say this but I agree with Owen. She's not ready to see you three yet.

Gabe: Fuck you. I'm going and I'm dragging her ass to my apartment.

Mr. Blackbourne: You will not.

Dr. Green: Please don't. I think she's starting to come around and the last thing I want is you to ruin it. She needs our help but she won't accept it if we force her into anything. I have a feeling she's been forced enough in her life. Let's not push her over the edge.

Raven: If I can't go see Sang, then I'm hunting down this boulder

Corey: I'll go. I don't have anything to do until tomorrow and then I'll trade off with someone. Maybe I can talk her into going to a safe house.

Axel: That should be fine. Just don't push her. If she says no, drop it.

Corey: Will do.

I shook my head as I tucked my phone away. I really wasn't doing anything right now except sitting in my apartment and staring at my work-in-progress game app. I wasn't getting anywhere with it and most likely wouldn't for the next few days. I just wasn't in the mood.

Besides, spending time with Sang sounded a hundred times better right now. I wanted to get to know her, understand her. Help her.

When no one objected about me watching over her and the topic changed to what to do about Rocky, I quickly packed up everything I need until tomorrow when I traded off with someone else. Fifteen minutes later, I'm out the door and headed towards Sang.

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