Chapter 16

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Merry Christmas, everyone!! Here's an update to get you through the busy time. Remember to relax and take a moment for yourself so you don't stress out from all the craziness of family and love. Then get back in there and have fun!


**| Sang's POV |**

I was inside the building with Luke this time. We weren't in the ceiling like Luke was yesterday. They were too concerned that I would fall. They didn't believe me when I told them I could land safely if that were the case and that I was good at climbing.

Marc definitely wouldn't have any of it and I was learning he could be very stubborn. So we were inside, hiding and waiting while Marc and Gabriel were outside.

I shifted.

"Cupcake, don't move so much," Luke said.

"I can't get comfortable."

"I know, but there isn't much space in here."

I snorted. There wasn't any space at all. There were a few large crates scattered throughout the warehouse. They were empty so we set one up so we could hide inside and watch what was going on. When the time came, we would be able to get out and do what needed to be done.

Luke grabbed my waist, his touching making me freeze. He squeezed gently as he pulled me into his lap.

"There, now be still," he said into my ear and I shivered.

Silence fell around us as we waited and I got lost in the way him being close to me felt. When strangers touched me, I'm scared but with Luke and even Gabriel and Marc, they made me feel safe. I liked it when they touched me, no matter how casual it was. A brush of our hands, a bump of our shoulders, any of it. It was like I was starving for touch and didn't even realize it until I met them.

"This better work," Luke said, his breath tickling my cheek.

"It will," I replied despite not feeling the confidence my words implied I had. With help, this plan was simple and should work.

The risk wasn't as bad as when I stole their van but there was still risk involved. There was always risk when dealing with these men.

We didn't have to wait long.

Three of the men walked in. One of them was the huge shaved man, another with the piercings in his eyebrow and the third was a driver with short black hair and dark eyes with a lean body and a tattoo wrapping around his neck.

"Game time," Luke said, his eyes focused as he watched the three men carefully.

The man with the shaved head and the one with the tattoo were holding an unconscious man between them.

"We still need to find two more," the bald one grumbled.

"And we will, relax," the man with the tattoo said.

The bald man snorted. "If we don't find more of these street scum, we will be on that table instead."

"Shut the fuck up, Detre," the man with the tattoo snapped. "We just need to finish this job up. She should have everything wrapped up in the next couple of weeks and then we can get the fuck away from her."

"Shouldn't have taken the deal in the first place," the man with the eyebrow piercing said.

"Amen to that," Detre said as they looked down at the unconscious man.

"Garret, go find Darrel," tattoo man said.

"Aye aye captain," the man with the piercing said. Garret went back through the entrance and disappeared.

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