Chapter 87

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Not quite what I wanted but enjoy!


**| Sang's POV |**

I dozed off after story time, exhaustion and pain pulling at me to find peace in sleep. And because you can only entertain yourself for so long while tied up and trapped in a room. I did spend some time trying to loosen the bindings on my wrists but my hands still weren't free. A little looser but not enough to slip through the bindings. And then, before I knew it, I was dozing off.

I probably would have fallen into a deeper sleep if the feel of the air shifting didn't wake me up.

I blinked up, confused, temporarily forgetting where I was until my eyes met with dark angry ones.


"What do you want?" I asked, knowing I wasn't going to like the answer. She had a glint of determination in her expression. She didn't say anything as she strolled up to me, her boots clacking against the cement floor.

She stopped inches away, overpowering my sense of smell with an overwhelming floral scent. My nose tickled and I worked hard to hold in a sneeze. Her eyes trailed over my body, the right side of her lip twisting into a sneer.

I chose that moment to give up, letting out a sneeze that sounded more like a small squeak. They came out on threes. Apparently my body believed in superstitions because whenever I sneezed, I had to do it three times in a row. Always. Like clockwork.

"Sorry," I said when Jade glared at me for daring to interrupt her entrance.

Her eyes narrowed further, turning into angry dark slits.

"I can't wait until Rocky decides what to do with you," Jade said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," she snarled, "it's time you get what you deserve but Rocky is getting cold feet. So I'm going to do it for him."

She reached over and yanked my head hard by my hair. Bray stirred, shifting in her cell. Jade had woken her up too.

Jade tugged until I was forced to look up at her to fight the pain of my hair almost being yanked off my head. Her other hand came up and grabbed my chin hard enough to leave bruises while her fingernails dug into my skin, hard enough to draw blood.

"You're little reign in the homeless community is over now," she seethed and I noted the half crazed look in her eye. Someone must have said something to her about me and she didn't like it.

The pressure of her touch against my face disappeared. A little snick caught my attention before a glint of silver caught my attention. Jade lifted a large knife up, pushing it against my cheek until I felt a little sting of pain. "I'll be the one to make you beg. I'll be the one to make you wish your mother had an abortion instead of allowing you to live. I'll be the one to laugh while you bleed out and your life slips out of your pathetic little life. I'll be the one to do you a fucking favor."

Her knife went down my cheek, scraping against my skin as it made its way down my neck.

"Where did Rocky get you?" she asked, her eyes lit with sick amusement. Her knife traveled over my clothes, getting dangerously close to the still healing wound.

"You know," I said, hoping to distract her. "You're still sad."

Her eyes widened. "Do not say that," she snapped and let go of my hair.

The sound that echoed through the room registered first. Then came the pain across my cheek. I yanked on the binds on my hands, the fear becoming all too real, which meant if I weren't careful, it would freeze me. Paralyze me.

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