Chapter 78

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**| Sang's POV |**

The moment I could get out of this SUV, I was going to kiss the ground. Raven viewed the driving laws as only suggestions, running through lights, nearly hitting other cars, and being very much a distracted driver as he fiddled with his phone or with the radio.

When his phone buzzed and he answered it for the hundredth time, nearly swerving off the road, I snapped.

"Give it to me," I said.

He looked over at me, frowning. "What?" he asked.

"Your phone," I gritted out. "Give it to me."

I made sure to add enough authority into my voice to make him listen to me. He slowly handed the phone over to me and I quickly grabbed it from him, ignoring the feel of it buzzing.

"Now watch the road."

"I'll just take it back from you. I should answer the phone. What if it were an emergency?"

I looked around but Raven was a big guy, no matter where I put it, he could probably manage to get it somehow. I glanced at him and bit my lip before pulling the collar of my t-shirt away from my chest and tucking his phone into my bra.

Raven laughed and my face felt like someone doused it with liquor and then lit it on fire. He wouldn't dare.

"I've never been jealous of a phone until now." His dark stare had me shifting in my seat in discomfort.

"Just drive, Raven," I said, a little desperately, wanting him to shift his focus away from me. "I don't want to die because you were trying to impress some girl you were texting."

He chuckled but thankfully looked back to the road. How much further did we have to go? I needed to put some distance between us before his intensity smothered me.

"Is that jealousy?" he asked. "Because I can assure you, you're the only girl in my life right now and no phone distracts me from you."

I frowned. "No," I said, confused because what he said made me feel weird. I couldn't be jealous of some imaginary girl, but some small part didn't like the idea of a girl being in Raven's life. I felt the same when I was at Brandon's garage and he talked about his bike as if she were the only woman in his life. Just showed me that any woman in Brandon's life would be cherished deeply and that thought did make me feel jealous. If I weren't careful, these men were going to turn me into someone I wouldn't like. I never wanted to be that woman, that jealous, controlling woman who distrusted everyone around her. I couldn't become my stepmother.

After that thought, another one dawned on me. Raven said I was the only girl in his life right now. I thought about it for a moment. There were fourteen of them, excluding Kevin. At least one of them had to be in some kind of relationship. How did they explain to them that they were busy because they were trying to protect me, a female stranger?

"Do you..." I trailed off.

Raven glanced over. "Do I?" He cocked an eyebrow and I swore there was a challenging gleam in his eyes. Sunlight reflected off his lip ring and casted shadows on his face, making his challenge more evident.

"Do you really not have a girlfriend?" I asked, feeling my face flush with embarrassment. "I mean it's none of my business, I know, but I know you guys have been busy helping me and I wouldn't want to keep you away from your significant other."

Raven laughed and I jumped slightly at the suddenness and loudness of it. "No, Sang. No lady friend in my life. You are safe from her wrath." He eyed me briefly. "Though, I'm sure you would be able to handle yourself against anyone who came at you."

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