Chapter 49

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An A Report for you!! Enjoy. Also, there is an A/N at the end. Please read it. This chapter pretty much wraps up the whole evil scientist part of this journey. Think of this as a really long introductions to Sang meeting all the boys. hehe


**| A Report |**

All fourteen men managed to take over one of the conference rooms in the hospital, not wanting to be far from Kevin or Sang. Axel whispered to Mr. Blackbourne on the most effective way to go over the meeting, what needed to be done, and the options available to them.

Luke and Gabriel were on the verge of sneaking down to Sang's room, the only thing stopping them being Sean's warning to give her space. They wanted to comfort her and cheer her up. They had a few ideas that could go great...or really bad.

Marc talked with Raven, who asked how much trouble he would get into if he let Sang borrow one of his guns and taught her to shoot. He didn't like knowing she wasn't able to properly defend herself while out there and by herself. If she could properly handle a gun, she could just flash it and send the ublyudkam (bastards) running.

Victor was compiling all the information they had together with Kota and Nathan's help.

Brandon was silent as Corey worked on getting through the last of the security for the compound. There was a lot of information to be found in there and he was determined to find every last bit of it.

Sean stared at the medical reports for both Sang and for Kevin, not liking what he was seeing. Nothing dangerous, just that they weren't healthy. Sang had signs of starvation, severe dehydration, and he was surprised her body hasn't given out on her yet. Kevin's body was a map of trauma, especially the whip marks covering his back. The injuries revealed a lot of what he went through. Sean was still waiting for his blood work to come back to see what else he could learn.

North and Silas watched everyone, waiting for the meeting to start.

When Axel and Mr. Blackbourne straightened up, everyone focused on them.

"Kevin talked with Dr. Roberts about what happened to him the last few months. He went into great detail but I'm only going to share the bare bones with you guys because a lot of it should be his story to tell. The reason he missed his check-in was because he managed to befriend one of the scientists at the compound. Dr. Ted Roche decided Kevin would do a great job as as security guard there and thought that since Kevin was homeless, he would be desperate for the job for the money." Axel paused briefly, releasing a breath. "Instead of reporting in like he should about the opportunity, he went ahead with it because of time restraints. He had trouble finding an opportunity to tell us what was going on. He worked there for about a week, gathering intel before they caught on. The next couple of weeks, he became a test subject instead. The last week, after he attempted to escape, they locked him up where Sang found him. He's working on testifying against all parties involved."

Mr. Blackbourne shifted in his seat to grab everyone attention. "Now we need to figure out how to properly clean this mess up. We're meeting now because we have two dozen traumatized people who need help. Dr. Green, what are your thoughts on them."

Sean straightened up, piling the two medical folders together and switching his focus to the other nomads who came in. "They arrived about an hour ago and what we have is only preliminary. The general census right now is to watch them carefully while treating their wounds. They are all having blood work done and we are bringing in some specialists to take a good look at their blood. We have no idea what kind of effects the drugs used on them will have since she was in the middle of testing the drugs she created. We need time, a lot of it. While in observation, we are also looking into housing for them for when they are released. They'll have to come back for check-ups for the next few months at the least for short-term effects. Even longer for long term effects." He sighed and leaned back in the chair, staring up at the ceiling, thinking of all the new patients. "It's a mess right now but we are working diligently to solve this and to help them," he whispered, haunted by the looks he saw in each face that came out of that compound.

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