Chapter 3: An Innocent Blair?

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"Blair sweet heart, eat your food." Dorota cooed as Blair pulled her comforter closer to her chest.

"No..." she moaned before burying her head beneath the down pillow.

"Please. You have to Miss Blair. It's for your own good."

Blair made no reply.

Annoyed, Dorota set the tray of food on Blair's nightstand and stomped towards the curtains.

"I'm sorry about this Miss Blair but..."

Dorota swung open the drapes allowing sunlight to flood into the room; illuminating every corner.

Blair squealed and threw her pillow at Dorota but missed

"What you do that for?" She said. Irritated that Blair was making a mess that she would later have to clean up.

Again Blair made no reply.

As Dorota stepped towards Blair's bedside, the phone from the hallway began to ring.

From downstairs, Mrs. Waldorf called out "Dorota? Do you mind getting that please?"

Dorota closed her eyes and massaged her temples with her manicured forefinger and thumb.

"Yes Mrs. Waldorf." She called out. "One second Miss Blair."

Dorota left and Blair huddled under her covers, making sure that she was gone. Hearing a conversation out in the hall on the telephone, Blair hastily threw the covers off of her and ran into the bathroom; locking it behind her.

"She can't know." Blair thought to herself.

Biting her lip she quickly tried to think of the fastest way to escape and find Serena. Unless Chuck had found her first. She shuddered at the idea.

Her mind was racing as she checked the bathroom window. It was unlocked but there was at least a 50 story drop below.

She considered calling Serena, but that still left the question of how she was going to get out without her mom or security noticing.

Only a few months earlier, Blair had spent a few weeks at a Juvenile Delinquent Center for her alleged 'theft'. When cops showed up at the crime scene, they immediately notified Blair's mom, who upon hearing of this immediately called her attorney.

Going through trial, Blair maintained her innocence, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence that was slowly piling up against her. Thanks to the attorney, Blair was let out on a $50,000 bail -- a hefty sum to pay even for the Waldorfs.

Blair's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp knock on the bathroom door.

She inhaled sharply. She knew she had to play it cool or else Dorota would call her mom. And if that happened, all hell would break loose.

"I'm busy!" Blair called out, her voice wavering slightly.

"Too busy for us?" a man's voice questioned.

Blair started at the sound. A sound she was all too familiar with.

Unlocking the door, she peered her head out and saw the man she'd guessed was behind the voice.


"That's right princess."

"What are you doing here? Why -- "

He cut her off. "Save it. We're here to help."

Blair looked puzzled. "We?"

"Yes, we." He said, motioning to a drunken Serena who was now laying motionless on Blair's bed.

"What's she doing here?" She hissed.

"Well believe it or not, I went to find her. " He paused. "For you."

"For me?" Blair retorted. "Why would I need her?"

Chuck said nothing but smiled.

"Because we know you're innocent. And if we can't prove it then you're going to spend the rest of your life in jail. Does that answer your question?"

This time, it was Blair's turn to say nothing.

~ {Gossip Girl here. It seems that Queen B is the one with the real secret. Not Serena.

All of New York is aware of B's arrest. And apparently that seems to be the only thing occupying their minds.

But what's this? A heroic duo prepared to bring justice to this poor Waldorf?

Be careful S. Who knows what's bound to turn up when working with a Bass?

You know you love me... XOXO, Gossip Girl.} ~

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