Liar Liar

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**Hello. Thank you so much for 13,000 reads!🙃

Btw I love when ya'll comment. It makes my day every single time.

Thanks again for reading and enjoy!**


The sound of my phone ringing yanked me from my peaceful sleep. I rubbed my eyes, blindly reaching for my phone on the side table.


There was a shaky breath before the person started talking. I hadn't checked caller before answering so I had no clue who it was.


Realizing it was Iris, I jolted out of bed and into the hallway, so I didn't wake Aaron up. "Iris, honey, what's wrong." Suddenly, I wasn't so tired anymore.

She sobbed into the phone, and my heart started racing in my chest. "Can you come get me?"

Oh God, please let her be okay.

"Where are you?" I rushed back to my room, turned on the lamp and looked for my clothes. I listened to her sob some more, and I was starting to get impatient. "Iris, where are you?"

She took a breath and told me the address which was all the way on the other side of town.

"Don't tell my dad."

"Just try to stay safe until I get there, please." I hung up and found Aaron's t-shirt lying on the floor. In the living, I grabbed his jacket too, slipped them on and hurried out of my apartment.

It was pouring rain when I pulled up to the address Iris had told me. I saw her standing outside in her pajamas without a jacket. Her phone was in her hand, and she was soaking wet.

I parked the car, leaving the keys in the ignition, and ran towards her.

I took off my jacket and threw it over her shoulders then led her to the car. I ran around to the driver's side, got in, and pulled out onto the road.

I turned on the heat and opened the glove compartment to get some tissues for Iris. "Wipe your face."

She took the tissues and blew her nose. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it right now. I'm just glad you're safe."

She sniffled. "Are you going to tell my dad?"

I honestly didn't know what I was going to do. This was Aaron's daughter. Her safety had to come first, and if I didn't tell him, I was scared he'd hate me forever.

"I don't know," I answered.

I ended up driving her to her house despite her begging me not to. I told her taking her to my apartment was pointless because Aaron was there.

She cried the whole way there and begged me not to tell her dad what had happened. Stupidly, I promised her I wouldn't tell. I just hoped she'd tell her mom and get whatever help she needed.

I went up to my apartment unlocking my door, I walked in, shrugged off Aaron's jacket and tiptoed into my room. I slid into bed and was knocked out almost immediately after my head hit my pillow.


Aaron parked in front of my store and turned to me. "I'm taking you out tonight. Wear something nice for me."

Something was definitely wrong with him. He wasn't himself. We woke up in the morning, and he barely said anything to me. He'd kissed my forehead, showered, waited for me to get ready and drove me to work.

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