Happy Valentine's Day

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Wednesday, February 14

After getting dressed for work, I went into my kitchen for coffee. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the giant bouquet of red roses on my island. There was a balloon sticking out of it with a card attached.

Wondering how it got there, I slowly approached it and took the card off.

The card read: Happy Valentine's Day, Kyra.

I'd been a little disappointed that he hadn't given them to me in person, but the gesture was sweet. I still appreciated it because I knew how busy he was during the week.

I ran into my room and grabbed my phone off the charger to take a picture of the bouquet.

While I took pictures of the bouquet and with the bouquet, my phone buzzed. It was a text message from Kendra saying she'd cover my shift from the afternoon to closing. I tried to call her back, but she didn't answer.

I sensed that there was something really strange going on, but I didn't take time to question it. I grabbed my purse and checked my makeup one more time before heading out the door.


"What'd Darnel do for Valentines Day?" I asked Kendra.

She grinned. "He got me some flowers. Nothing special."

"You always downplay what he does for you. I think it's cute," I told her.

She shrugged. "I guess I don't want to rub it in your face. You're normally single. It's almost like a habit now."

God, she was right. I'd never had a boyfriend during the Valentines Day hype. I loved that I had Aaron to share the day with. In the past, I'd turn down Deja and Kendra's invitation to their parties and stay home stuffing my face with whatever I could find.

It was a big change in my life, yet it felt so right, almost as if nothing had changed.

I decided to keep Aaron's little gift a secret. I thought it would be special if I kept it to myself.

I didn't feel comfortable letting Kendra work my shift for me, so I finished my shift at four o'clock and closed up before going back to my apartment.

After I changed out of my clothes, I sat down in my kitchen with a glass of champagne. As I began to relax I noticed a folded piece of paper on the table.

Sipping my champagne, I unfolded the paper and read it. It was a note from Aaron saying he wanted me to meet him at a hotel for dinner. He wrote down what to bring and what hotel room to go to.

A huge smile formed on my face as I reread the note. Excitement bubbled up in my chest until I couldn't contain it anymore.

I practically skipped to my room, packed a small bag filled with two outfit choices and makeup. I grabbed my keys and left my apartment ready to see Aaron.


"Are you Kyra Scott?" The lady at the front desk asked as she smiled and waited for my response.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Mr. Bradley has a room waiting for you and he would like for you to meet him at our five-star restaurant for dinner tonight."

Mr. Bradley?

"Right," I muttered. "He told me the room number already."

She held out her hand with a room key in between her two fingers. "I'm sure you'll need this to get inside."

Love Survives (BWWM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें