Without You

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I woke up Saturday morning with unbearable pain in my foot. The events of the night before came back to me, and I remembered that I'd fallen and sprained my ankle.

I texted Deja and an hour later she and Kendra were in my apartment helping me through my morning routine. Getting ready took nearly two hours, but we got it done and the girls didn't seem to mind.

Kendra cooked breakfast while Deja turned on my Keurig and made coffee for us. I took a painkiller as I watched them take care of me.

"I really appreciate you guys doing this."

"Girl, do you really think I'd let you struggle by yourself?" Deja asked.

Kendra turned off the stove and served eggs and bacon to me and Deja. Her eggs were heavenly.

"Now, I have a few questions, Kyra," Kendra said. "What happened with you and Aaron after you closed the store?"

I waved a careless hand in the air. "I just brought him some soup."

Deja's eyes widened in disbelief. "You closed up the store to give Aaron soup?"

"I was worried about him."

Kendra didn't approve. "Even though he made you take an Uber home?"

Deja nodded her agreement.

"Well, Iris invited me over for dinner tonight."

My phone started ringing, and I quickly answered it hoping it was Iris saying dinner was canceled.


"You didn't call me, Kyra."

It was Orion.

"I totally forgot."

"I'm sure you did," he replied. "Your car is in the parking lot. Got Jett to take care of it."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you so much."

"Sure thing, babe. Got to go."


I hung up and had two pairs of curious eyes on me. "What?" I asked them.

Deja looked suspicious as she asked, "Who was that?"

"A friend of Aaron's."

"Eat your eggs, girl, before you start a war."

I had no idea what she meant by that, I'd find out the hard way later.

The girls left after helping me onto the couch and making sure I had everything I needed. While we were eating, I texted Orion asking him to stick around, and when he saw the girls leave he could come up to my apartment.

I felt like I was doing something sneaky or wrong, but I wasn't at all. Aaron wasn't my boyfriend, and I had to stop worrying about what he would think. It was none of his business.

"I brought you some crutches. Thought it'd be easier than hopping around." He laid the crutches on the floor.

"You've done so much for me in such a short amount of time."

He shrugged. "Anything for Aaron's girl."

I really wished he'd stop saying that.

"I have one more thing to ask of you then you're off the hook."


I used my crutches to walk up to Aaron's front door and knocked a few times. He answered quickly.

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