Stay the Night

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"Guys, I'd like you to meet my band. Rob, the best drum player in the world. Orion, the piano player. And lastly, Jett, the bass player."

Rob was a big black guy who had a killer smile. I could tell he was a gentle giant. Even though he was shorter than Aaron, he made up for it in a build.

Orion was just a little bit shorter than Rob. He was a white guy with a few freckles on his face. He was handsome but nowhere near as attractive as Aaron.

Jett was taller than Aaron with dark brown, shoulder-length hair. He was almost as hot as Aaron, but his beard was bigger and less attractive.

He didn't smile like Orion and Rob did. He just nodded his head at Kendra and I and shook Darnel's hand.

"Some good music you guys played," Darnel complimented.

"Yeah, I loved every minute of it," Kendra added.

Aaron grinned at them both, obviously proud of himself and his band. "The boys have to head home, so we better let them go."

He clapped each of them on the back as they disappeared into the crowded club.

There was an empty seat next to me, and Aaron sat down resting his arm on my shoulder. He leaned in so that his mouth was near my ear.

"Why don't we go somewhere quieter," he suggested. His hot breath touched my ear sending all sorts of feelings to every part of my body.

I opened my mouth to make an excuse when I noticed that Kendra and Darnel were gone. They were going to be my excuse not to go with him.

Now, I had no ride and no reason to say no. That must've been Kendra's plan all along.

"Um." I cleared my throat. "Okay."

He drove us to a little quiet diner not too far from my house making me wonder where he lived. I hoped he didn't have a long way to drive home.

"What'd you think of my band?" Aaron questioned.

He really wasn't looking for me to say they were amazing, he was just interested in my opinion. He knew his band was good, and I liked that he was confident.

"I thought you guys were out of this world," I answered. "Honestly, I would buy your music."

He smiled. "You're being nice."

"You're cute," I blurted out.

He froze then shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Why did I say that? No guy wanted to be called cute.

"I really don't know why I said that," I mumbled looking down at my shirt.

Next thing I knew he was laughing at me. Again!

When it came to him, I never had anything intelligent to say. I always said something dumb.

"Kyra, look at me," he commanded softly.

I did look at him, and I saw all traces of humor were gone. He looked like he was about to say something that I wouldn't be able to handle.

So I gripped the hem of my dress tightly, waiting for him to speak.


"Thank you for the compliment." He smiled, but it wasn't a humorous smile. It was a reassuring smile.

My nerves were calmed when he smiled like that.

"You're welcome."

"Now, I have to say I was a little disappointed when you didn't get up and start dancing like you did at the wedding," he teased.

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