His Woman

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The smell and feel of Aaron's bare skin was the first thing I woke up to the next morning. He held me in his arms protectively, and my head rested perfectly under his chin. Our legs were intertwined under the thin material of the sheet.

There were pillows at the foot of the bed and on the floor from the night before. I could feel his heart beating as his chest rose and fell peacefully. That was the way I wanted to wake up every morning.

"Good morning, Kyra." The roughness of his voice was so sexy. His grip on me tightened then he let me go and yawned. "How'd you sleep?"


He got out of bed and stretched. "We have to be out of here by ten."

I really didn't want to get out of bed, and I wanted Aaron to get back into bed with me. "I'm sore," I mumbled.

He looked down at me with guilt. "Maybe you'll feel better if we shower," he suggested.

I slowly got up despite my screaming muscles begging me to stop. Aaron came to my rescue and carried me into the bathroom. He set me down, and we showered.

After showering, we both got dressed and checked to make sure we hadn't left anything in the room.

Walking into the lobby, I saw the lady at the front desk again. She smiled at us as we neared the desk to check out.

"Hope you enjoyed your stay," she said. A knowing smile played on her lips making me look down at my feet.

Thoughts of what we'd done last night clouded my mind. I remembered Aaron's hands exploring my body, discovering every nook and cranny. Not one part of my body was left untouched.

I was sore almost everywhere, and I had a raging headache, but I kept that little detail to myself. Aaron was already guilty and worried enough. I didn't want to make it worse.

"We enjoyed it," Aaron informed her. "Several times."

He did not just say that.

I looked up to see him wearing a sly grin. I nudged him on his side, but his grin only widened. "You're a little shit."

He winked. "I know."


That afternoon, after I'd finished my shift and ran some errands, I got a text from Aaron asking me to meet him at his bar. I drove to the address he'd sent me. As I pulled up in the parking lot, I saw the sign on the building that said "Bradley's Bar and Restuarant".

Walking in, I took in the details of the place. There was a corner with three pool tables and a flat-screen TV hanging on the wall. Across from the pool tables was maybe five tables and three booths off to the side. Then in the middle was the bar where drinks were being served.

I was a bit nervous at first, but then I saw Orion serving drinks at the bar. I tried to call out his name over the loud music and talking, but he didn't hear me. I got closer, and eventually, he saw me.

"Kyra! What're you doing here? Have a seat."

"You work here?" I asked as I took a seat on the stool.

He nodded. "Yeah, just a little something to pay the bills. It's not much, but it's something," he said. "What brings you here?"

I looked around a little bit to see if Aaron had made an appearance. "Aaron told me to meet him here."

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