The Consequences

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Kaizo and Boboiboy heard a whisper. They looked around to see Fang walking out in front of them.

His pale complexion confirmed the reality they were in right then.

"I'd be okay if you chain me down in your spaceship brother. Just don't let me hurt any of you."

Kaizo frowned sensing his resolve behind his voice. He walked towards him, pulling him into a hug.

"The last thing I'd do is making a remedy and heal you. I don't care who gets hurt, I  only need you to trust me and live, Pang."

His words were enough to break the last straw Fang held on to contain his emotions. And he broke into sobs.

"I really don't wanna hurt you.. Or Boboi or Ying... Or anyone! You need to keep me away!"

"No I don’t! Please don’t ask this of me, I can't do that to you!"

"Brother... You can't swear to heal me can you? I'm going to lose myself brother. That's why you need to shut me off from all of you!"

Kaizo held him tighter. He couldn't bring himself to keep false promises.

This time boboiboy answered, "Fang, everything Kaizo had said won't be true. You're too much of a good person. You can't hurt us. We all are here for you and  we'll help you through it. Trust me everything is gonna be fine."

Who could help not getting teared up if they knew what horrible incidences come along? He had seen them before his own eyes. He had prevented one with a cruel way in mind.

Fang hugged back weakly saying "Why brother? Why does all this happen to me? H-How can I hurt you? Why brother, why?"

Boboiboy tried to assure him. Because he himself believed so. He knew how much Fang tried to show that he was cruel but the reality is he never was.

Kaizo still held him close to his chest so tight Fang could here his heartbeat. And Fang, he knew the inevitable.

Fang knew Kaizo was thinking hard on finding a solution. And Boboiboy was in his false trance that he was gonna be healed.

But in reality, he saw what this piece of bullet did to others, with his own eyes.

Fang knew he had no way out.


To Be Continued...

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