New Years Massacre

Depuis le début

Cap ran back to Jim.
"What the hell?" Jim asked.
"Cotton started shootin'. Must've seen McCoy stick his head out."
"Well, go find out!" Jim whisper yelled.

"Hey, my Pa's not here! He stayed over in Pikeville last night!" Calvin McCoy shouted out.
"I said for him to come out!" Jim ignored him.
"He's not here! Ain't nobody here but me, 'cept women and childrens!"
"Randall! We're all waitin' for ya!"
"He's not here!"

Cap made his way over to Cotton.
"He.." Cotton started and pointed towards the woods. Cap's stomach droppd. He knew exactly what happed. Randall McCoy, the man who hit his Lydia, had got away. Cap grabbed him by the shirt collar.
"Cotton, we said let nobody out the back. Nobody out the back." He said through gritted teeth.
"I'm sorry." Cotton said sincerely. He knew he had let his family down again.

"I'm sorry." He said again, near tears. He was determined not to screw up again. They took him in after his Pa died and he would make them proud. No one else would get out the back. 

"Just courtesy is what it is." Jim ran towards the house and threw the flaming bottles inside. 
"You're burning women and children you cowards! What kind of devil are you Devil Anse!?" Calvin screamed. Again, Devil Anse was getting the blame for something he knew nothing of. 

Cotton heard the door open and stood guard. His heart sank when children walked out. He knew he had to get them back inside but then they would burn.
"You gotta go back inside." He begged. 
"Keep goin'." Alifair said.
"Get back inside!" He fired his gun. Alifair fell to the ground as the bullet penetrated her body. Cotton stared at her in horror. He might have just made his family proud but he went against everything his Daddy taught him.
"It ain't allowed." He whispered.

"I let them-I let them out the back." He told Cap ashamed.

"You got one. That's good enough." He put a hand on Cotton's shoulder reassuringly. Cotton's mind went to Johnse. Why did he not help him? Johnse was sitting there and made Cotton do all the work and get all the blame. So Johnse could keep his hands clean, Cotton's were stained with the blood of an innocent child, while he is still one himself. 

"It ain't allowed." Cotton said to himself, trying to justify what he did. 

"I want Randall McCoy!" Jim shouted as the house went up in flames.

"Well, you got his son!" Calvin yelled and ran out, gun blazing. He was shot down almost instantly. Sally McCoy made her appearance next. She walked out the door, smoke whisped around her. With two guns in hand, she made her way to Jim Vance. 
"Hold your fire." Jim commanded. "What the hell are you doin'?" When she walked on, Jim hit her in the back of the head with the butt of his gun.
"Crazy, stupid bitch." He said as her body hit the ground. Jim motioned for everyone to head out. Enough damage was done, for now. 

Cap stopped to check if Sally was still alive. When he saw her chest move he sighed in relief. This was not going to set well with his Ma and Pa.
"I'll meet ya there Jim." Cap said.
"Do what?"
"I'm goin' after the McCoy bastard."
"Look, I get it. He hit your woman but he's gone. We got two children, his wife, and his house. I think ya returned the favor." Jim tried to sway him.
"No. It's gotta be him." He turned to leave.
"You're comin' home." Jim grabbed his arm. Cap shrugged him off. Jim grabbed him again and motioned for Johnse and Lias. The three men grabbed Cap. Cap tried to fight them off but in the end they held him down.
"Y'all don't understand! I gotta get 'im." Cap growled.
"Now ya know how I felt when you and Jim beat Nancy." Johnse said.
"Yeah but she's just a dumb McCoy bitch." Cap retorted. Johnse rolled his eyes and hit Cap with his pistol, knocking him out.
"What the hell did ya do that for?" Jim asked.
"He'll be easier ta take home now." 
"If she docks my pay you're gonna cover it." Jim mumbled.

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