Staying inside the tower all day is boring. Normally, I'd be working on one of the programs, but Cam has locked me out of them. Something about how I desreve a break as well. I know he's trying to help, but I'm an A.I.. I don't need breaks or rest. Honestly, I'm sick of being struck in Lyoko. Whenever the others leave, I feel kinda lonley. There's no one else on Lyoko but me. The others have a life outside of the Lyoko, I want to be apart of that. "Maybe Alexei left something for me to watch." Bored, I pulled up a connection to the internet. Alexei isn't the best with computers, but he'll often leave something for me to watch. If he can get Cam to set it up. Scrolling through, I saw that just about everything listed I'd already watched. Alexei likes the cheesest things.


The entire tower shook, knocking me down. 


The tower shook again.

Racing outside, I saw that two megatanks were attacking the tower. When they saw me, they immedilty charged their lasers. Panicing, I stumbled back into the tower landing on my back.


Again, the megatanks attacked.

"Cam, Alexei" Pulling up a connection, I began to contact the others. If the tower was destoryed with me in it, I could lose all of my life points. "Cam, Alexei?" Why aren't they answering? Cam had debugged the supercomputer, but he hadn't been able to test it before school. 'I'm trapped inside the tower X.A.N.A.'s atacking.' The short message was sent, I just hoped they got it. 

"Llaw pneo!" 'Open Wall' From inside the tower, I spoke these words. Peaking out, a giant wall caged the tower, cutting me off from the rest of the sector. The sound of lasers could still be heard, but it was entire tempoarly keep me and the tower safe.


Kya's POV:

"What's smoking?" A kid from class asked. Smoke rose up from several leaves near the pond, as the pond's water began to boil. Suddenly, people began screaming. The surrounding area was in chaos, students and others quickly ran for the closest shade possblie. Why? Simple, everything not in the shade began smoking or boiling. Curious, Cam threw a pebble into the grass. It too, began smoking before it boiled into mush. "What's happening?" After kid asked.

Cam looked at me, we had the same idea. "X.A.N.A." I shielded Cam from prying eyes, while he checked his laptop. " ''I'm trapped inside the tower X.A.N.A.'s atacking.'" Cam read the message aloud. 

"Either Emi's being attacked while hidding instead a tower or it's a warning that X.A.N.A.'s attacking." I theorzied.

"Could be both. We have to get to the Manison." Cam typed a short reply to Emi, letting her know our situation. "Problem is, how do get get pass that?" The enter area outside of the shade was now smoking, some parts were even boiling. 

"If we had something big enough to cover us, we could make a run for it." Only things that were in direct sunlight appeared to be affected. "You wouldn't happen to have a giant tarp, would you?" I half-joked, causing Cam to stare at me. 'What? We're going to need one to avoid being directly in the sunlight."

"I'm leaving!" Mara's sherik, drew all attention to her. "Let me go, Ally!"

A short blonde girl, Ally, held onto Mara, refusing to let go. "Are you crazy? This is no time for a tan!" 

Before Mara acould do something idoitic, Alexei went over to her. "Don't be reckless Mara. We'll stay here until help arrives." Taking her hand, he lead the two girls to a bench further away from everyone. Moments later, Alexei joined us. "I'm guessing you got Emi's message/"

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