"Do you have a bf?"

"If so i will steal you away from him!"

"Nobody can love you as much as i do!"

"I just want you to know that!"

"Oh i almost forgot.."

"Can you send me a picture of you!"

"pls <3 <3 <3 <3 <3"

"It would mean a lot to me!"

He's really consistent. It's really weird but i think he will eventually give up.

"Oh a new messages!", i feel my phone vibrate.

I realize it's again form this weirdo.

Instacreep: "You don't need to send me a photo of you!"

'Oh i think he got over me... at least a little bit.', i thought.

Instacreep: "You are even more pretty in real life <3"

"Everything about you is so delicate."

"Even the way you walk."

Shivers go down my back.

I look very carefull around me.

My arpartment is only a few meters away. But what if i get there.

He probably would know where i life if i get there.

My thoughts got cut off by a buzz form my phone.

Instacreep: "Don't be afraid of me."


"I just want to know if you get home safely!"

'Should i call the police?', i thought:' but as soon as he sees them he'll be away.'

Me: "Look, i'm almost at home! I'm glad that you are carring for me but i can look after me myself."

'Better be nice to a guy that is a that crazy', i said to myself.

Instacreep: "Almost but not safe!"

"Trust me!"

"I saw someone got into your home!"

"A young men that got your keys and goes through your stuff right now!!!!"

"Well, probaly i didn't looked that close.."

"What?!", i said out loud.

Instacreep: "I'm sorry that i uppset you.."

"I can help you if you want me to!"

Me: "No!"

"Leave me alone!"

'Now what?!', i thought.

Without hesitating i sprinted to my arpatment and crushed the door open.

It was open and the lights where on.

'He was right!', i stood shocked in the entrence of my home.

I hear a sound comming from my kitchen.

I imidiatly went there and found Jin cooking something.

I was on one hand extreamly angry at him for scarring me like that and got in my home without my consent but on the other i'm reliefed that it's him.

"Oh it's just you..", i hold my hand on my heart.

"What do you mean 'just you'?", he asks a bit salty.

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