"Loactor." Bring up the newest upgraded verison of the loactor program, I began running it. The program only loads up to seventy-five percent before crashing. Hopefully, that seventy-five percent will be enough to determine a loaction.

***********************************************************************************************Math, the groups second class of the day, had ended. Waiting outside the science lab, everyone wondered where Mr. Z was. It was unusal for him not to be inside the lab this time of day. "Where is he?" Mara sheirked. "This heat is making my hair frezy!" Several students groaned, as she went on a rant.

"Nice to see you worrying about my where abouts, Mara." Mr. Z stood behind Mara, holding a bookbag. "You'll be execited to know today's class is outside. For the next two days, we'll be exploring the nearby ponds, observing the different environments and life forms."

Everyone else cheered, while Mara rasied her hand, wanting to protest. "I'm allergic to walking for long periods of time."

"More like to lazy to walk." Kya loudly whisphered, causing the class to laugh. Mara's face became bright red. Mr. Z clapped his hands, then ordered everyone to line up with their partners. Mara begrudingly got next to Kya. The two ingored each other until they got to the pond.

"Today, each pair is free to explore the area. Remember to take notes and observetions. Stay together at all times. Meet back here in thirty mintues." Mr. Z clapped his hands to dismiss everyone.

Mara took off towards the benches in the shade, alone. Kya shook her head, wondering what Mara was thinking. The girl clearly didn't care about anything, but her own wants. "Not today, Mara." Kya stood in front of her partner, arms crossed. "I'm not getting in trouble for you nor doing the assignment alone, again."

"Than stay here with me and get a zero. Or do the assignment alone and risk getting in trobule." Mara suggested, with a smirk. 'Either way, I'm not moving."

Kya stopmed her foot in frustation. "I'm sick of doing everything, you selfish brat! I should tell Alexei."

That wiped the smirk off of Mara's face. "Don't drag Alexei into your problems."

The two girls stared at each other, neither waning to lose. "Cam's waiting for you Kya." Alexei patted Kya on the shoulder. "You'll switch with me, won't you? I can't deal with him today."

Surpised, Kya nodded. "Sure." She left Alexei to deal with Mara, as she found Cam by the pond. 'What just happened?"

Cam took Kya's hand and lead the way. "We put our anger aside for the greater good."

"Saving Mara's life?" Kya joked.

"Helping you>" Cam's statemtn caused Kya to blush. "Alexei stopped me from going over. That wouldn't have been good." They stopped by some ducks swimming to take notes. "His iead to switch partners was pretty smart." A small smile crossed his lips.

"There's a reason your best friends." Kya wanted to capture Cam's smile Rarely, did Cam smile this open or sincere. The two spent the rest of class wondering the area, recording the different animals.


Emi's POV:

The program worked! Halfway, it narrowed the possblie key loactions to the mountain or desert sector. Currently, I've been searching the desert sector. "Llaw!" 'Wall' A hole opened undernearth the bloks chasing me. The first ome fell through, but the others went around. A laser hit my arm, decreasing my life points.  "Cam!" I shouted, hoping he'd hear me. Around this time of day, Cam or Alexei usually check in with me. "Alexei!"

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