Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 - Randy

Getting up the next morning, I felt warmer than normal. My headache was gone too. 

I turned my attention to the handsome, sexy man that had his arm around me as he slept. Smiling, I kissed him on the cheek and I moved slightly over as he woke up. Opening his eyes, the first thing he did was turn to me and flash me a dazzling smile. 

'Good morning beautiful.' I smiled at Phil and snuggled closer to him. 

'Good morning to you too handsome.' 

'How'd you sleep?' 

'Fine because you were here. What about you?' I asked.

'I had the most amount of sleep I've had in about a month. I think it was because of a special girl who slept in my arms.' I smiled as he winked at me. He then leaned down and kissed me softly. As I kissed back, things got a little heated and for a while we just lay there, making out. During our make out session, I heard my phone start going off on the bedside table, sighing I rolled over to see if it was important. Seeing the caller ID, my stomach dropped a thousand miles. 

'Randy.' I said, a little too loud. 

'What does he want?' hissed Phil, which made me a little nervous. 

'I dunno, let me see,' I replied, pressing the accept button on my phone. 

'Hello?' I asked, the nerves rising. 

'Hey Em, it's Randy. How are you?' 

'I'm good, how have things been for you?'

'Yeah, things have been worked out which is good.' 

'Yeah, sounds like it.' For a few seconds, there was an awkward silence, where my nerves went through the roof. Phil could tell as he snuggled closer to me, making sure that his embrace was keeping me safe. Smiling at him, I turned my attention back to the conversation. 

'Listen uh, I'm in Charlotte now and I know you have to leave for Chicago soon so you can get there a day before Summerslam but if it was okay with you, I was hoping me and you could sit and chat and fix things between us. Everything but us has been solved and I would really like it if we did. It's okay if you're still thinking about it though...' His voice sounded hopeful, and for a few seconds I seriously thought about it; for about a week now I had been thinking of the pros and cons of mine and Randy's friendship. Eventually I had come to the conclusion that Randy was a good guy and just needed help, and as the kind hearted person I was I was willing to give him the help he needed. 

But to be honest, it still scared me that he may try something again. Even with the help, it was a possibility. Even with that fear though, I knew I did owe it to Orton to be a good friend, and I wasn't about to go against what was morally right. For me. 

'Well, where are you now?' I asked. 

'I'm in front of the arena right now, how about we meet at the Waffle House near the airport?' I sighed, yet feeling a sight wave of giddiness I nodded. 

'Yeah, I'll be there in half an hour, okay?' 

'Yeah okay, see you soon.' 

'Bye Randy.' I disconnected the call and turned to Phil. 

'I'm probably not going to like what you're about to say am I?' I looked at Phil and caressed his cheek and sighed. 

'No you're not. I'm going to go make things right with Orton.' I simply stated, hoping out of bed and walking towards my wardrobe. I flicked through my clothes as I heard Phil struggle a little to get to his feet. 

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