Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - The Bad Turns Ugly... 

(A/N: Back to Emily's POV, to save confusion...)

Waiting for Phil was like waiting for something that wouldn't appear. Yeah, he arrived about 15 minutes after that phone call but boy did that 15 minutes feel like 100 years. Laying in bed waiting for Phil, I saw my heart rate monitor pick up, causing worry in the eyes of the nurse that came to check up on me. 

'You sure you're okay?' she asked for what felt like the millionth time.

'Yes, I promise I'm fine. This will help with everything, trust me,' I tried to give a warm smile to her but her eyes told me she still wasn't convinced. 

'Well, if you need me, buzz for me,' 

'I will, I promise,' she smiled weakly and walked out just as Phil walked in. As he walked in, my heart rate went higher, the nurse kind of poking her head in the door, just checking. I smiled at her and she nodded, walking away still with the fear in her eyes. 

'Hey I'm here, so what's going on?' I looked at Phil who appeared to be nervous. It broke my heart to see him so worried, considering that telling him all about Randy and John's plan just may as well break him entirely.

Not that I meant it, but hopefully after an explanation he would understand. 

'Well, umm...' I tried to start everything off, but as I started talking the words escaped me, making my throat dry and I stared at my hands, trying to hide the expressions of my face. 

'Em?' I looked up at Phil who had now gotten a chair and sat next to me. I looked at Cena, trying to receive any type of moral support. He just glanced at me, telling me that I needed to do what needed to be done. 

I sighed deeply and grabbed Phil's hand, 'Now, you need to promise to listen to everything I tell you before you react in any way, you need to promise me that...' 

'I promise, just for you,' he then got up and kissed me on the lips briefly before sitting back down. 

'Okay...' I sighed again and swallowed hard, 'the other day, when I needed to see Orton, he decided to kiss me,' I looked at Phil, whose expression was mysterious, but his eyes displayed a type of hurt. His grasp on my hand became tighter and I heard in the background my heart rate monitor beeping at a faster rate. 

'But know that I walked away and tried nothing on him, it was all Orton.' 

'You swear that's what happened?' I looked at Phil and caressed his cheek. 

'I promise that is what happened, Cena can tell you the same because he was the first person I told, he was also the only one I told until you now,' I heard Cena sigh in the background as he saw Phil's reaction. 

'Phil bro, the only reason she told me was because Orton threatened to hurt her and you if she told you or if she told Sam about Orton's manwhore attitude,' 

'Wait! He told you about that?' I glanced at Phil with a questioning glance. 

'Hold up! You knew about Orton and you didn't tell me?' 

'Ummm... well, we weren't together, we were just making out so I didn't think it would matter,' looking at Phil, to be completely honest I did feel a little hurt he didn't tell me this all sooner. 

But I really can't judge because it's taken me a while to tell Phil. 

But the situation is different! None of this may have happened if he told me!

Urgh, why does everything have to be second guessed with me??!!

'Anyway...' I stared at Cena, who gave me a look saying stay on track here. I pressed my lips together and decided to lay back on my bed as I felt dizzy. 

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