Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - A Month Turned Sour

'Em, you wanna bite?' I glanced up at Cena who was standing at the fridge in his RV, gesturing behind him trying to make light of such a bad situation. 

'Nah, I'm ok...' I murmured, turning back to keeping my focus on the passing of the world out the window next to me. 

Another tear fell from my eye as the thought pained me again, it was officially over... 



'Friggen finally!' I cried to the nurse who just finished her morning routine checks on me. I had been in hospital for 4 days, and finally the nurse was telling me I could back to the real world (I really wanted to say home but, well, Chicago is a distance away from me right now...).

The nurse smiled as she removed the blue fabric that had been wrapped around my arm only a minute previously to check my blood pressure. 

'So long as you take it easy and take one of these pills everyday, your fear should be manageable. Your arm seems to be healing fine, so if the pain returns these painkillers should do the trick...' she placed the two medication bottles on the bedside table and wheeled her equipment back out of the way, she smiled as she walked out the door, leaving me alone once more. 

As she left, my phone started going off. 

'Happy 1 month anniversary ... <3 xx Love you, Phil' 

As I read the text, I smiled remembering that just one moth ago today, Phil had me in his arms and asked me out. Thinking back on the memory, I smiled hugely. 

'Hey beautiful,' I glanced up from my phone and saw Phil standing in the doorway with a black t  - shirt and jeans smelling freshly of cologne holding a bouquet of blue and white flowers in his hand. His hair was slicked back as usual and his smile was still irresistible.

'Hey, happy one month,' I smiled, 'lucky for us, they're letting me go today,' Phil smiled and came up to me, kissing me passionately. He placed the flowers on the chair near us and sat on the other side, grabbing my hand as I slowly sat up. 

'You look like a drug addict, with all the bottles of meds over there,' he pointed to the bottles on my bedside table. I started laughing just a little bit, considering the ironic situation. 

'Gee, thanks, I'm sure it's gonna ruin your rep as straightedge,' I smiled and raised an eyebrow, Phil laughing instantly. 

'Well, when exactly are you getting out of hospital?' he asked. 

'In half an hour, so if you passed me my clothes in the corner there, I'd be able to get dressed quicker...' Phil's eyebrow rose seductively and my stomach twisted in the good way remembering that day things got close between us. Ever since then, my feelings for Phil have risen. 

He walked over and dropped my clothes at the foot of the bed, smiling still. 

'You have to leave... ' I smiled. 

'Nope, not leaving,' he folded his arms like a child and sat in the chair nearest to him, a smile covering his face, reaching his eyes brightening them with amusement. 

'C'mon Em! It's not like I haven't seen you shirtless!' I gave him a mock death stare as I rose from my bed, smiling as I walked towards him. As I walked towards the foot of the bed, I saw Phil looking extremely pleased with my attire: the white hospital dress in which you wear nothing but underwear under, and just my luck the dress was as see through as a window and ironically on show was the same purple bra Phil accidentally saw me in the day he asked me to be his girlfriend.

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