Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Chris Jericho for his suspenseful but entertaining silence :)

Chapter 4 - Unexpected Betrayers

As I was preparing for my match with Kelly Kelly for the title, I heard commotion from her locker room. 

'... you're just jealous that I'm champion!' I heard Kelly yell. 

'Please, girl, you being champion is the most disgraceful thing this company has done!' I then saw Eve storm out of the room with a really furious look on her face. I heard Kelly scream in frustration and knocked on her door, peering in to see if she was okay and what had happened. 

'Hey, what's going on?' I asked, a worrying tone in my voice. 

'Oh Emily,' I then saw tears start streaming down her cheeks. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, her sobs loud but comforted. I lifted her head from my shoulder and placed her hair away from her face, wiping the tears away. I sat her down and picked up her mascara, brushing her lashes with the make up as I fixed the smudged parts. 

'What happened?' I asked.

'Eve decided she'd just storm in here and demand a title shot,' I looked into her eyes, seeing the confusion and anger building in them. After all, Eve was Kelly's BFF, even this was confusing to me.

'Why would she though? She doesn't want the title, she told all of us that clearly,'

'I know, but she went on about how it was my fault I allowed Vince to give you an easy title shot,' I gave an even more confusing look in Kelly's direction and she nodded, bowing her head in sorrow. I lifted her chin and applied some light pink blush along her cheekbones. 

'But, giving me the title shot was Vince's idea because I got screwed, so how does that all tie up?' I asked, Kelly shrugging her shoulders with the same confusion. I sighed deeply as I fixed her hair a little and handed her a little hand mirror. She smiled and gasped at the sight and hugged me in joy.

'Thanks Em, you're such a good friend,' she smiled. 

'Thanks, you too, and our match is going to be great tonight!' I exclaimed, waving goodbye as I headed towards my locker room. Surprisingly, I found Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty sitting there in a fit of anxiety, an action that seemed to intensify as I walked in the door. They rushed to me and sat me down, locking the door. 

'What's going on?' I asked, a little scared because everything was going too fast and I had no idea of the back story. 

'Punk orders you to listen to us,' started Michael. 

'But we decided to say that you need to listen to us, Punk officially has nothing to do with what happens here,' I stared at Husky who had a worried look on his face. 

'What's going on? I don't give a shit if Punk wants you guys to try and manipulate me or not, just tell me the whole backstory of things because you're making me nervous before my title match,' I stated, my heart rate rising a little. 

'Okay, Eve and Kelly are planning to screw you out of the championship because you're friends with Beth and Nattie,' started Husky. 

'And the fact that after you got screwed you got an easy title shot,'

'Which we don't think is true, you deserve it after what we did to you,'

'They thought that you were ass kissing and it was unfair,' I gave a questioning look to the two men, eventhough I heard and knew every single word they said. 

'I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. Kelly and Eve are really good friends of mine, whether or not I'm with this 'Barbie doll' thing or not, and you guys said it yourselves; I deserved the title shot because you guys screwed me in my match,' I looked at the two of them as they gave each other worrying glances. 

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