Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - Bad Meets Evil

Waking up in my bed on Cena's bus thing (still trying to establish the complete name), I sighed as the feeling I felt in my stomach all of last night slowly but surely reappeared again, making me feel like I was going to puke my stomach out. Groaning I rolled over, grabbing for my phone to check the time. 

'9:56am' it read. Sighing again, I lifted the covers and walked up towards the bathroom, grabbing a towel on my way. Slowly opening the door, I didn't realise that Cena was standing there completely naked until I lifted my head and it was too late. Cena turned around and stood there just as stunned as I was. 

Quickly he covered up his ah... male parts (at least now I could tell the Rock that Cena most definitely did not have lady parts) and started chuckling as he blushed. 

'I am so sorry John,' I looked into his eyes, and started chuckling too as a blush started to warm my cheeks. 

'It's okay, I should've locked the door,' as we laughed I looked down and shut the door again, walking away to the kitchen as I tried to get that picture out of my head. Laughing, I boiled a cup of coffee just as Cena walked out, a towel now wrapped around his waist. 

'Coffee?' I asked. 

'Yeah, please,' 

Pouring the hot water into the cups and stirring the contents, I saw Cena emerge quickly in a pair of shorts and a singlet top, letting his ginormous arms completely show their dominance. The singlet top was skin tight so you could see his abs, appearing as if he had been chiseled out of stone. I couldn't help but have a stare, because well, I'm probably not one of the first people to admit that John Cena is pretty sexy. 

'Take a picture, it'll last longer,' I snapped out of my trance and blushed more, passing the coffee to Cena. Smiling I walked past him so I could retrieve my towel and have a second take on that shower. Hearing Cena laugh in the background, I grabbed my iPod and started cranking the tunes, blaring the bus with the sounds of Kevin Rudolf. Walking into the bathroom, I made sure the first thing I did was lock the door. Turning to the mirror, I looked into the eyes of the girl I saw, seeing how much of a train wreck I truly was. 

Turning the hot water on first to steam the bathroom out, I undressed myself staring at myself and the scars on my stomach from those years. Grazing them with my fingertips, I gulped as I stared into the mirror, instantly knowing what my mind was compelling me to do.

'Hey Cena?' I poked my head out the door. 


'Pass me a knife, I need to open something,' sighing internally, I saw Cena scrummage around looking for one, pulling out a little black handled one. Walking up to me, he passed me the knife, smiling. 

'What are you so happy about?' I asked. 

'Is it my turn?' he started to laugh hysterically and I rolled my eyes in humour. 

'You're such a bad flirt,' shutting the door and locking it again, I walked under the shower water, letting the calm it brought consume my body. Looking down, I remembered again that I had a knife in my hand. A tear fell from my eye as I slid the sharp surface of the knife along my arm, making small yet deep cuts in my arm. Quickly the water faded to red and I sighed, dropping to the floor sitting in my own watery blood. Sobbing a little bit, I washed the knife and washed my arm. Turning the water off, I quickly dried myself, patching my arm up. 

Putting a towel around me, I walked out of the bathroom. As I walked towards my room, I heard Cena wolf whistle. I shook my head as I shut the door, rushing to find my singlet and track suit pants. Putting them on, I walked out of the room, brushing a brush through my moist hair and throwing it up into a bun. Grabbing the door on the fridge, I looked around for chocolate. Finding the block of mint chocolate, I sat on the couch next to John who was watching the news. Stealing the remote, I changed the channel to Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 

'NOOOOOO!' I laughed at Cena's over dramatic response, making sure that I hid the remote. As he tried getting it, he managed to knock me back as he awkwardly lay on top of me. For a while we just lay there, looking at each other. Laughing awkwardly, he got off me, grabbing for the remote when suddenly he stopped, looking at the bandages on my arm which were now starting to show red. 

'Emily, what is this?' he asked, knowing exactly what it was. 

'I tripped and landed on the knife...' I bit my lip, knowing my excuse wouldn't convince Cena. He sighed, and held my arm out assessing it. 

'Don't bullshit me, please,' I heard him whisper, grazing his thumb along my arm. I sighed. 

'I did it, I used the knife...' I felt a tear roll down my face. 

'Hey, don't cry, we just gotta make sure you don't do it again, okay?' 

'Okay,' I blinked, letting more tears run down my face. Cena then grabbed the end of the bandage and started to unravel it down to the cuts. Once he had exposed the wounds, he grabbed the nearest towel and quickly ran it under water at the sink, rushing back to place it on my arm. I winced a little in pain as the towel went on, but when I felt the relief things were okay. 

'Why are you helping me John?' 

'We're friends, and you're on this bus so I can protect you,' 

'Yeah but, why aren't you going off? About this?' 

'Because I know that this is a really tough time for you, and honestly if I were you, having the same past and just losing someone that meant a lot to you, I would be doing the same,' smiling slightly, I looked back at my arm, that had gone from absolutely gruesome to squeaky clean in minutes. Grabbing fresh bandages, Cena wrapped my arm again, making sure that the cotton wool type things that would absorb the blood were in the right place. 

'Voila' I smiled at Cena, leaning in to hug him. 

'Thanks Cena, for everything.' 


Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so short, I know I needed to upload so I quickly wrote something up. 

Now with this story, I've got a little writer's block :/ so if you guys have any ideas, please tell me and I will put them together. Now with my competition it did finish, but no one messaged me anything :( but that's okay, like I said writer's block - you have any ideas, tell me :)

Uploading may not be for about a week or so because I have these weird exams (government run) so yeah, I'll be busy. 

Until next time... xoxox

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