Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Passion

Waking up with my head delicately supported by Phil's shoulder, I stretch and smile. Checking the time on my iPhone, I realise that Phil had been playing with my phone... because the picture of us kissing was suddenly my screen saver (not saying it's a bad thing). 

'Hey babe, we're gonna be in New York in 10,' Phil lightly pecked me on the lips and I sat up properly, buckling  my seat belt up. I smiled at Otunga and then glanced at the rest of the boys behind us, waving like a mad person at Beth and Nattie who were with Cena in the back of the plane. 

As the captain announced that we had touched down in New York, some of us raced off the plane, like Beth because for her, this was home. For Phil and I however, we just sat and peered out at all the awaiting paparazzi. I sighed and giggled just a little as everyone else got a little bombarded. I then got up, putting my hand out for Phil to take. As he stood up, he kissed me lightly, making me smile. 

As we walked through the tunnel and into the airport, I felt my phone buzz. Letting go of Phil's hand, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 

'From: Randy 

"Hey Em, meet me in my dressing room when you get to Raw :)"'

I sighed a little, but I also was excited considering the brief encounter Randy and I had in Chicago was awkward, and I was hoping Randy's PMS mood was gone... 

Grabbing my luggage, I sat on the shuttle bus again, this time in the back with all the Divas (except Kelly and Eve were up the front, flirtatiously flicking their hair and giggling around some of the Nexus, rolling my eyes I went back to having my girl time). 

'So Em....?' Alicia Fox and A.J. looked at me with keen attitudes, Kaitlyn's head popping up just over the seat in front of us, Beth and Nattie listening in. 

'So what?' I asked, trying to act ignorant to the whole girly fest I knew was about to happen. 

'How's things with you and Punk?' giggled Kaitlyn, making Alicia and some of the others shriek in excitement. I rolled my eyes, smiling. 

'Me and Phil are fine,' they all gasped, then aww'd. 

'What?' I asked. 

'You use his real name!' cried A.J. 

'Yeah, so?' The girls giggled a little. 

'When I dated Punk, he never really allowed anyone to use his real name, it was just Punk,' explained Beth. 

'Oh...' I said in reply. 

'So that must mean you're really special to him then!?' cried Alicia, nudging me in the arm. I smiled at Phil, who seemed to be looking back at me with a sympathetic smile on his face, knowing what I was dealing with. I smiled back, the girls seemed to follow my gaze. 

Smiling, I answered their question, 'I guess I am that little bit special'. Ignoring the girly squeals that followed, I started walking off the bus as soon as it stopped at the hotel. Checking in, I made sure I got up to my room as quick as I could, because I also wanted to see if Phil was close to me and I really wanted to get the awkward confrontation with me and Randy over and done with. 

As I plopped my suitcases down, I laid on my bed too, taking in the sudden comfiness. I felt my eyes suddenly grow heavy, and just ad they were about to shut I heard a knock at the door. 

'It's open!' I yelled. As the door opened, I heard a little bit of commotion going on. Rushing out, I stopped to see the sight of Phil struggling to keep the door open and bring his suitcase in at the same time. I giggled a little, running over to the door to hold it open. 

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