Chapter 5

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< < - Vote because of the Chair action and because the 2012 Royal Rumble is in a few days :)

Chapter 5 - Confiding In The Enemy

Somehow, someway, I found the energy to get out of bed and arrive to work everyday, despite all the rumours flying around me and my world. Some were true, like the letter that started it all but things like "I sleep around with everyone" and "I'm sucking up to Vince" were all false, but it seemed as if everyone was hanging by a thread to every single story that passed through everybody's perspectives. 

So I've been spending these last 2 house shows after that dreaded night after Raw in my locker room that I've been sharing with Beth and Nattie: the only two that have been there for me. 

Tonight's house show was in Kelly's home town of Jacksonville, Florida and I was scheduled to verse her. It was a bittersweet feeling to know I was versing her; because of everything that's transpired, but I was definitely motivated because I knew this was the most ideal time to release the anger that's been building inside for days. 

As I sat pulling my knee pads up my leg, I heard a knock on the door. Nattie and I looked up to see that it was Mason Ryan. 

'Hey, what's up?' I asked, a fake smile appearing on my face. Mason smiled back just as fake to show me he understood. 

'Hey, nothing much, just coming to say good luck in your match against Kelly tonight,' 

'Thanks,' I smiled again, but it didn't reach my heart.  

'I also wanted to say that Punk wants to see you,' I looked up at Mason with a shocked expression. 

'Why does he want to see me? He read the note, he'd probably die if he was ever seen with me,' I exclaimed, wiping the tears that were building from my eyes. 

'He told me to say that he was the first to comfort you, so he wants to see if you're okay,' I got up and jumped around a little. I stared into the mirror at my Kelly Kelly like ring attire and eventhough I was down, my appearance seemed to cheer me up just a little. 

'I'll go there now,' I said, pulling Mason along with me. We walked silently towards CM Punk's locker room, ignoring the stares of the divas that were in the corner. It was sad that they believed the bull shit that came from Kelly and Eve's mouths but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess. 

'Knock, knock,' I said, looking at Punk as he applied some cologne. He turned around and smiled at me, it had sympathy written all over it but something told me he had something else up his sleeve. 

'Hey, how are you feeling?' he asked, coming up to me and hugging me softly. 

'I'm okay, I'm still here so that must be a good sign,' Punk laughed at my optimism. 

'You gonna beat Kelly tonight?' 

'Yeah, I'll finally be able to let loose all my anger, may as well hear voices in my head tonight,' Punk looked at me, his facial expressions impossible to read. I stood there for a while just looking at him, trying to decipher his thoughts. 

'What are you thinking?' I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. 

'About that letter, was it real?' I looked at Punk as I lost my breath. Thinking about the letter made me nervous. I nodded, the look on his face again impossible to read. 

'But what they did was mix everything I wrote together and made in into something that it's not. The thing that says I like you I wrote when I was training in FCW when I was still practically a fan -' Punk put his hand up to tell me to stop talking. He sighed as he looked at me. 

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