Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to CM Punk for being the Best in the World! <3

Chapter 11 - Look At Me Now

Waking up the next morning, I sat up and stretched, staring around at the chaos in my room. Phil was in bed beside me, the Nexus boys all scattered on the floor just as they had dropped last night. Cena was laying on the floor next to my side of the bed and Beth and Nattie I saw were sprawled in the lounge room. 

I peered at the bed side table clock next to me, reaading the time of 1:36pm. I giggled a little, considering we had all slept the day away. I then got out of bed, watching the ground as I stepped over the human land mines. Walking into the kitchen, I picked up the hotel phone and called room service, asking them for 2 jugs of orange juice, 9 glasses and 3 stacks of pancakes with butter and maple syrup. Knowing that would take a while, I decided to go sit on the balcony and stare out at the business of Chicago, breathing in the only air pure to my lungs. 

'Good morning beautiful,' I turned and smiled, seeing Phil standing there in the doorframe shirtless, sexy as ever. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, embracing him. He kissed my forehead and I looked up at him smiling. 

'So what are your plans?' he asked, looking out at his hometown. I smiled as I did the same. 

'I dunno, we already slept half the day away after chatting way too late last night so...' I heard Phil chuckle as I sensed he thought of the memories from last night. All of us seriously urged ourselves into my hotel room after Extreme Rules and we all had a little party. We then stayed up to 4am just talking and laughing. 

And well here we are a few hours later just as we were at 4am, rowdy, crazy and feeling good. Just as Phil was about to press his lips to mine, we heard Cena behind us pretending to gag. 

'Get a room guys!' he groaned, smirking. I ran up to him and we pretended to bitch slap each other. 

'Oh, I broke a nail!' mocked Cena, at this point I was on the floor laughing, so was Phil. Cena put his hand out for the both of us. 

'Well, we would get a room John but my little buddies are occupying it as we speak,' Phil pointed towards the Nexus boys sleeping like little starfish babies on the floor. I started giggling at the funny sight. I then ran for my phone. 

'Em? What are you doing?' asked Phil. I only smiled. I then snapped a shot of the boys and opened up my Twitter account: @EmilyWWE (A/N: Not a real Twitter account, just saying). 

'@EmilyWWE: Look who had a rough night... :D @WWE_MasonRyan, @HuskyWWE, @DavidOtunga, @WWEMcGillicutty... #ExtremeRules'

I clicked post and now, my 896,761 Twitter followers would see how awesome the Nexus looks right now. I smiled with joy as Cena's phone went off, alerting him that I had tweeted. He thgen burst out in laughter 5 seconds after hearing his notification. Phil then glanced over and started laughing himself. I giggled and walked into my wardrobe, finding the air horn I seemed to have. I then blasted it, laughing harder than ever. 

'Get up you lazy asses!' I cried, still laughing. They all groaned and looked at me in disgust. 

'We have to catch a plane to Raw in like...' I glanced at my clock, '2 hours so chop chop!' I walked out and gently woke the girls. I then saw Mason walk out, rubbing his eyes of the sleep and he looked at me shocked. 

'So you wake them up nicely...' I smiled sweetly at him as he shook his head. I then heard a knock at the door. Opening it, I greeted the room service lady nicely as she carted in our food. As I went to pay, Phil stood forward and placed down a $50 bill on the trolley. 

'Keep the change,' he smiled, the lady smiling too. 

'Thankyou!' I yelled as she walked out of the room. All the boys instantly went hypo, rapidly looking for plates to place the pancakes on.

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